Thanksgiving 2020

Letter from the editor 

Sometimes it all goes wrong. This year has taught us that, if nothing else. There are losses and difficult situations that can change our lives forever. I know many of us have faced unexpected losses at one point or another, that have stopped us in our tracks. That is what happened to me personally this year. When we lost our son, I thought I would never smile again. The tragedy shattered my world. I’m slowly learning that I can be both happy and sad simultaneously. Among the sadness, its okay to find some joy.

The holidays are truly the most wonderful time of the year. That is unless, you have experienced a loss or tragedy in your family. Then it can be exceptionally difficult. I believe we must  find a way to carry on. The world needs you…your heart, your soul, your talents, and purpose. So even in the pain, try to be present and find the gifts and gratitude this Thanksgiving.

We never really know what each other is going through, especially now in such uncertain times. Try, albeit difficult, to extend kindness to others, regardless of what behaviors they may be presenting. Patience and empathy are real life superpowers. We are just learning how significant the impact of the pandemic is on our mental health. Folks of all ages and backgrounds are hurting. Now more than ever, we need to be gentle with one another.  We are all struggling with a situation we never imagined only a year ago.

The little things are what get me through the days, and it turns out, they are actually the most important. For me, it’s a warm home, good food, our beloved dogs and the laughs, conversations, and traditions that follow.

This issue of Shore Local has all you need to plan your turkey dinner, even if it includes Zooming with family instead of the face to face traditions that we hold dear. Check out columnist Tammy Thornton’s article on page 7: “A traditional Thanksgiving in a non-traditional year.” Also, Erica Hoffman has your turkey covered with all the different ways you can prepare it on page 27. The election may be over, but when families get together conversations (even those on Zoom) can sometimes get heated. Erica offers 50 non-sensitive conversation starters that you can use to keep the conversation light and amicable throughout the holidays. I know I plan to use it!

In Moms’ Vibe, Krystle J Bailey offers great ideas for shopping local for kids on page 9. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of supporting local in every way, shape and form this holiday season. I get it that Amazon is easy and contactless, but many of our local shops have online and/or curbside pickup options.  Let’s support the people that live in, support and are invested in our community this year.

Lastly, Bob and I are thankful for you, the reader, our sponsors and all the columnists, photographers and people that work behind the scene to make Shore Local possible. Wishing you and yours a happy & healthy Thanksgiving!

Peace & Love,
