Stepping Into a New Year

Letter from the editor 

“New Year, new me,” used to be my motto.  I loved the thought of making a fresh start, hanging up  a new calendar, and having a new chance to get it right. However, as I reflect on my past New Year’s resolutions, they were always grandiose in nature, with no room for error. “This year, I will run a half marathon, lose 20 pounds and become organized” I promised myself. A week goes by and life happens. A second week without any progress and inevitably I am overwhelmed. I feel like a complete failure by the end of the month.

I’ve learned that most things worth striving for require a great deal of practice and endurance. So, focusing on the “baby steps” is more effective for me. These are all the little daily things that get you a bit closer to where you want to be. If you take five baby steps or little steps a day towards your goal, you are much more likely to succeed. Try breaking your resolution into the small steps that move you in the right direction.  Getting closer to your goal is a success in itself. Think of it as a journey, not a sprint.

Another effective tip is to ditch the “all or nothing” mindset. Adjust the wording in your resolutions to allow slip-ups and imperfections. Did you ever hear the phrase “nobody’s perfect?” We accept that in others, yet rarely give ourselves the same grace. Give yourself a break. Rather than saying “I will eat ‘clean,’ or unprocessed food, try saying “I will eat ‘clean’ more often or I will reduce my consumption of processed or fast food.” This way you are setting yourself up for success rather than failure. An easy success leads to confidence and continued success along the way.

After such a tumultuous year, we need to tread lightly with both ourselves and others. Many people we run into are dealing with loss of loved ones, a change in job or school and financial stressors that would put anyone on edge. Although we now see a light at the end of this long tunnel, we are still in the thick of the pandemic and it’s devastating effects. I look forward to my loved ones receiving the vaccine and plan to get it as soon as it becomes available to me. Hopefully in a few months, this will be behind us.

This issue of Shore Local is full of heartwarming stories and insights by columnists who live and do life right here at the Jersey Shore. Check out the good works of Hometown Hero, Andre Murphy with his Community Feeding Tour on page 6. Also read on page 9 how one local business, in partnership with others, was able to provide FIVE  heating systems for families in need in Atlantic and Cape May Counties.

A positivity principle that states, “what you focus on grows” means that the topics or subjects we choose to put our attention on will eventually expand. Here at Shore Local, we are focused on the good. You have many outlets to learn about breaking news, crime and politics. Shore Local is here to give you a break from that. We focus on the people, places and events that make our area so special. Thanks for reading. If you have a story idea, just email me at

Peace & Love,
