Staying Motivated Is the Greatest Challenge

Shore Fit
By Bonnie Miller

We all begin our fitness journey with a similar goal in mind: a conscious choice for self-improvement. Fitness achievements are reached through hard work, dedication and motivation.

Before you get ahead of yourself, start with what your body can handle. Those goals can grow into more goals, constantly striving for progress that challenges your body to keep improving, physically.

Set yourself up for success.  Find a gym, running course or studio you want to try out. Do your research, ask friends, or even post on social media for recommendations. Then, make sure you have all the necessary items you need in order to get the most out of every workout.

Buy yourself a calendar or journal to plan out your weekly exercises and fitness goals. Having a schedule will help you stay on track, even when your motivation starts to fade. This will keep you accountable. I write out all my workouts and put them on my refrigerator and cross off each as I’ve finished them. It’s old school, I know, but it really gives me that sense of accomplishment as I get to draw that line through a completed workout. When the week is done, I see all I’ve accomplished and it feels terrific. It goes in the trash and a new one is made on Sunday. 

Use a journal to write down goals and details regarding your workouts. When times get tough and you feel like throwing in the towel, refer to the first week of your journey and reflect on all of the progress you’ve made since.

A supportive family or friend is another way to stay motivated. It feels really good having someone close to you tell you how proud they are of you.

If your goal is to lose 10 pounds or 10 inches, keep a page in your journal of your progress and check off each pound or inch you lose. This small action will have you celebrating even the smallest wins, which will bring you one step closer to your goal.

Add diversity to your workouts. Your body will have better results if you constantly switch it up and keep your muscles guessing. Find a few exercises you’re truly passionate about. Once you’ve found your personalized niche, you’ll start to enjoy your workout. Before you know it, your favorite workout classes will transform from dreaded chores to something to look forward to.

It’s important to continually set new goals, both short-term and long-term.  When all aspects of your life evolve in a healthier direction, your fitness goals and overall health will be complete. We all have a million excuses to neglect our workouts, but none of them are as important as our personal health.

Bonnie Miller is certified fitness instructor at the Ocean City Aquatic and Fitness Center and the JCC in Margate. She is a mom of three and resides Somers Point.
