Shore Fit: TRX-More Than Just Hanging

By Bonnie Miller

What is TRX? TRX  is short for total body resistance exercise and uses suspension training for a complete, full body workout.  The TRX system was developed by a Navy Seal over twenty years ago. It is an effective program used by many. Professional athletes, Olympians and all branches of the military use it as part of their training. It has also become extremely popular with gyms and trainers around the globe and the certification process is thorough and lengthy. There are some that believe lifting weights or extreme workouts is the only way to achieve results. That is simply not true, TRX is superb in yielding results. Such a sturdy piece of equipment. I guarantee, it will improve your overall total body strength, stability and cardiovascular health.  All you need is the TRX suspension trainer and your own body weight!

The TRX Suspension Trainer is designed with heavy-duty straps, handles, foot cradles, and padding. The TRX signature products can range from $190 to $250. Suspension training works by challenging your body in conditions of instability. This forces you to constantly engage your core for all of the exercises. A strong Core is life enhancing. We must have a strong core to perform daily living activities. It is especially important as we age for functional day to day activities.  It also helps improve your balance and overall strength.

You are suspended from an anchor point where bodyweight becomes your machine and gravity your resistance. Adjusting the level of difficulty per exercise is as easy as moving your hands or feet. This is where the cool factor comes in. TRX suspension training uses a simplified approach based on seven basic movements: Push, pull, plank, rotate, hinge, lunge and squat. There are six basic TRX suspension body positions that incorporate the seven basic movements and include the following:

Stand facing the anchor point (SF)

Stand facing away from the anchor point (SFA)

Stand Sideways to the anchor point (SSW)

Ground Facing the anchor point (GF)

Ground Facing away from the anchor point(GFA)

Ground Sideways(GSW)

Suspension training uses body weight and movement that stimulates neuromuscular responses to body position changes. The Neuromuscular system includes all the muscles in the body and the nerves serving them. Every movement your body makes requires communication between the brain and the muscles.  Nerves and muscles, working together to make your body move as you want it to. For example, using a Stand Facing (SF) body position and lifting your body weight toward the anchor point with a pulling movement engages several muscle groups. Your core is engaged to balance your body while your back and biceps work to pull your body toward the anchor. Your body is working hard integrating strength, mobility, and balance during one dynamic movement. It’s incredible. TRX suspension training challenges so many muscle groups during an exercise session. It provides superior workout results.

TRX is ideal for the older adult population. Individuals who are at risk for falling can gain significant balance and confidence gains. Less probability for falling, improved gait, and dynamic balance. Core stability training is critical.

TRX training challenges several muscle groups during each exercise movement.

Your standard push-up for the chest also engages the core and other muscles during suspension training. Your center of gravity is always out of balance, leaving no choice but to engage your core, back, hips, and shoulders to stabilize the movement.

This means that performing regular exercises like squats, planks, and push-ups become more dynamic because other muscle groups are working to support the move.

TRX training includes adjustable suspension bands suitable for a beginner exerciser to an advanced athlete. This means the program can be modified to fit every fitness level.

The variety of exercises and progressions for each movement are endless, making TRX suspension training not only appealing but beneficial for everyone. It’s worth the money spent because it will always be a useful tool, no matter how fit you are or will be.

TRX Suspension Training continues to grow as a popular exercise method to gain strength and stability. I personally think it’s fantastic and want to learn as much as I can about it since installing it in my personal gym.  It gives you that “good shake” and you know it’s working.  As with any workout program, there will be likes and dislikes. It really comes down to personal choice and enjoyment of suspension training.

Bonnie Miller is certified fitness instructor at the Ocean City Aquatic and Fitness Center and the JCC in Margate. She is a mom of three and resides Somers Point.
