Shifting Perspective – It’s All in How You Look at Things

Jeff’s Journal
By Jeff Whitaker

I’ve spent this past week in Florida. I know what you are thinking.  Poor Jeff.  I’m not bragging that I was in the Sunshine State while most of you reading this were in the land of freezing rain, snow and frigid temps.  But it does make you realize something.  Perspective matters. In fact, perspective is everything.

While the Northeast (and much of the rest of the country for that matter) was experiencing frigid and in many cases sub-zero weather conditions, in Florida it was colder than normal as well much of the time.  The only difference is that frigid to Floridians and frigid to most everyone else is totally different.  It’s all in your perspective.  Several days, we awoke to temperatures in the low 40’s.  I have to admit that most days it did climb to the 70’s as the day progressed.  But here is the thing.  It was “cold” in the morning until I checked back home.  Then I realized the day I had ahead of us didn’t seem all that bad.  It’s all in your perspective.

Here is my point.  How we see things based on our current situation or our location or circumstance has a huge impact on how we view things.  It’s all about mindset.  If you and I get up in the morning and anticipate doom and gloom based on the circumstances around us or the situation we find ourselves in or for that matter even the weather, we set ourselves up for negativity at every turn.  On the contrary, if we don’t allow ourselves to have our attitudes or perspectives impacted by our circumstances, we set a whole different tone for the day. 

So, what do we need to do to feed the positive and starve the negative influences in our lives? It starts with pursuing a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset.  A fixed mindset looks at the situation we find in front of us, buying into the negativity and accompanying mentality that it brings with it.  Whereas having a growth mindset looks at every situation and scenario as an opportunity to learn, grow and look for the positive. 

This past year has presented plenty of opportunities in just about every area of life to wake up each day and fall right into the trap of a fixed mindset.  Things are never going to change. COVID has ruined everything.  Things will never be the same again. Thinking positive is pointless.  But that’s not the case.  Not if we change our perspective. 

Carol S. Dweck said, “When there’s a setback, someone with a fixed mindset will start thinking, ‘Maybe I don’t have what it takes?’ They may get defensive and give up. A hallmark of a successful person is that they persist in the face of obstacle, and often, these obstacles are blessings in disguise.”

The next time you become overwhelmed by your situation or the circumstances that surround you,  check your perspective and consider a mindset adjustment.  You might be pleasantly surprised at the difference it will make in your day and the days to come.

Jeff Whitaker is a veteran broadcaster here in South Jersey..  He now draws on his experience and training to work with companies and individuals to develop effective storytelling, communications and leadership skills. Find free resources and ways Jeff can work with you at
