Sensory Friendly Santa at the Hamilton Mall

Sensory Friendly Santa at the Hamilton Mall


Lauren Houck of Egg Harbor Township, encourages her son Jacob, who has Autism Spectrum Disorder, to visit with Santa during Sensory Friendly Santa time at Hamilton Mall.

Santa is for everyone, all ages and abilities. We know that, but for families with special needs it can be difficult, if not impossible, to take their loved one to visit Santa.

Many children with special needs struggle with sensory integration challenges. That means that ordinary things that we may take for granted, such as crowds,  music playing, bright lights, textures and more, can overwhelm a fragile sensory system creating an unpleasant experience for the child,and their entire family.

With rates of autism soaring to 1 in 34 children in New Jersey, it was time for Santa Claus to make some accommodations to ensure that a visit with Santa is a positive experience, for all.

Jacob (7) and Alex (5) visit with Sensory Friendly Santa at Hamilton Mall.

In recent years, malls across the country have increasingly been offering Sensitive Santa or Sensory Friendly Santa time for families with special needs. But it was a Grandmother that first brought Sensory Santa to fruition in Atlantic County.  She reached out to Crystal Rodriguez, the marketing manager, at the Hamilton Mall.

“I was not aware of the need, but once I was informed, I knew I had to do something,” said Rodriguez. “We pride ourselves on including everyone in all of our events. We never want to leave anyone out.”

That was last year. Rodriguez reacted immediately and added two Sensory Friendly Santa times. “Both were very well attended and the parents really appreciated it,” said Rodriguez.

When Easter time rolled around, specific times were set aside for Sensory Friendly visits with the Easter Bunny.  And now, this holiday season, they have added even more Sensory Friendly Santa opportunities for those with special needs.

“It is very sensory friendly in that it is scheduled before the mall opens to the public.  There are no crowds or music, lights are to a minimum and the children can choose either a light up wand or a coloring book because for some children the light up wand may be too much, “ explains Rodriguez.  There are also no time constraints. The children can take their time warming up to Santa and their parents are welcome to sit with them or let them approach Santa slowly.

Brian Robison and his son, Payton of Little Egg Harbor, visit with Sensory Friendly Santa.

“This means so much to us! We just couldn’t do it, otherwise,” says Lauren Houck of Egg Harbor Township. “The crowds would be too much for Jacob” Decked out in matching sweaters, Jacob (7) and Alex (5) enjoyed a visit with with Sensory Friendly Santa. Their Mom and Dad couldn’t have been happier.  The moments were captured in multiple photos and a family memory was made.

If you would like more information about Sensory Friendly Santa visits call 609.646.8326

Appointments are still available for this Sunday December 9 beginning at 8:30 am.
