Ray’s List – 10 Songs from my 48 Blocks Playlist

Ray’s List – 10 Songs from my 48 Blocks Playlist

By Ray Tyler

This Saturday from 3pm to 5pm at Gardner’s Basin, I will be producing a live mixtape for the 48 Blocks Atlantic City Arts Festival. I have been a music writer for almost 10 years, a professional DJ for more than 20, and an avid music listener and historian for more than 30 years. So I am proud to put together a special 2 hour mix for 48 Blocks AC.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday there will be parties and events that celebrate the arts throughout every block in Atlantic City. To see a complete list visit www.48BlocksAC.com


In honor of my involvement with 48 Blocks this year I curated two additional projects:

Project One. A special 48 Block’s Mixtape that people will be able to access if they miss my live performance. 48 minutes of specially mixed Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, Rock, and Soul.

Project Two- Ray The Closer’s (my alter ego) 48 Block Playlist. A list of 48 Songs. Some songs will make you dance, some will make you think, some will take you back in time, some will be new but your ears will wonder where this music has been hiding. I am going to share 10 here. The complete list, as well as how to listen to the mixtape, will be at my website www.TheLightNation.com


  1. One Thing Remix- by Amerie and Jay Z, remixed by DJ ILL Nino-This is a personal pick for me because AC native ILL Nino is a close friend, and many of South Jersey DJs pick as the overall best DJ. And I will say it. Friend or not. He’s the best DJ that Atlantic City and South Jersey produced ever.


  1. Oh Happy Day by The Edwin Hawkins Singers-This song set Gospel ahead 20 years. Today this song is considered “traditional”, however when released 1967 (before I was born…), this recording was considered “too worldly” by many Gospel purists.

  2. Take The A Train by Duke Ellington– If you know nothing of jazz, you should  still know this. My favorite version is from the LP, HI FI Ellington Uptown.


  1. Dancing In The Dark- by Bruce Springsteen Even now I’m singing “This Gun’s For Hire”.

    6. My Boo-by The Ghost Town DJs

    5. A Change Is Gonna Come-by Sam Cooke

    4. Crazy In Love- by Beyonce featuring Jay Z

3. The Show- by Doug E. Fresh and Slick Rick

2. In America- by The DBL Crew This one is super personal because I went to school with the artists Dante Tatum (Donnie D) and Jamar June (Jay Fresh.) This song represents hip hop in its purist form, meaning superlative drums and creative lyrics. The DBL Crew was the first group of artists I knew that made the sacrifices needed to cut records. Though number 2 on this list they are always number 1 in my heart.

1. Summertime- by DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince Unless you are DJ Jazzy Jeff,  DJ’s should only play this song between Memorial Day and Labor Day.)
