Quit Smoking: Free Services Available

By Krystle J Bailey

The Atlantic Quit Center, located at 5914 Main Street in Mays Landing, is a program offered by Atlantic Prevention Resources created to provide individuals with the information, tools, and support they need to quit cigarettes and other tobacco products for good.

The program is supported by the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) and the Community Health Services Office of Tobacco and Prevention. The Quit Center, which began serving Atlantic County in 2019, is committed to providing the highest quality of quit services available. This includes access to free nicotine replacement therapies (patches, inhalers, gum, lozenges, nasal spray, and other FDA-approved therapies.) In addition to the NRTs, the Quit Center provides evidence-based tobacco treatment, confidential support, weekly treatment plans, and free support groups.

The main goal of the Quit Center is to provide Atlantic County residents with the resources they need to stop or reduce their use of tobacco or other nicotine products by meeting smokers where they are on their journey. Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists work with each client to create a custom quit plan that takes into consideration how long they’ve been smoking, their demographics, access to transportation, and other specifics.

After an in-depth assessment, clients are encouraged to choose a quit date that feels right for them. Leading up to the quit date, they are offered support, therapies, and resources to prepare themselves and their environment for success.

The Quit Center is a mobile service, which means treatment specialists are available to meet clients in the community and provide transportation when necessary. Individual counseling is available and includes six weeks of meetings, a customized assessment, and a weekly treatment plan.

Additionally, group counseling is offered through the Quit Center. These sessions cover topics such as stress management, coping skills, and relapse prevention. Studies show that combining counseling and nicotine replacement therapies more than doubles someone’s chances of quitting for good.

One client explains their experience as the best decision they’ve ever made, stating, “The Atlantic Quit Center staff are very friendly and accommodating for your special needs. I was a smoker for over 30 years. I am proud to say that today, with the help of the Atlantic Quit Center, I am a non-smoker.”

Another client shares, “Thank goodness for the quit center. I am now smoke-free, and this year, I turn 69 years old, but I feel like I’m 35.”

Meetings are an opportunity for individuals on their quit journey to gather and gain encouragement from one another. Those that attend the meetings are at all different stages of their journeys. Together, they create an atmosphere of understanding and support that fuels their drive to continue towards a healthier lifestyle each week.

Atlantic Quit Center services are 100% free of charge and supported by Atlantic Prevention Resources and Tobacco Free for a Healthy New Jersey.

To start the conversation, call or text 609-804-7848 (QUIT) or visit www.atlanticquitcenter.com.

For information, tips, and encouragement, follow @Atlantic_Quit_Center on Instagram and Facebook.com/AtlanticQC.
