Oranges for Optimal Health

By Nancy Adler

When my dear friend Amy shops each week for her family she picks up a great big bag of delicious nutritious, vitamin packed oranges for her father, Frank. Not only does Frank love oranges but it’s the fruit of choice for him. 

When you think of the health benefits of oranges, the first thing that springs to mind is probably vitamin C. Citrus fruits are a terrific source, but oranges (with a medium-size orange coming in at about 62 calories) also provide a number of other protective nutrients. Oranges provide serious gut and health protective fiber! A medium orange offers about three grams of fiber, 12% of the daily target. The fiber in oranges supports digestive function, helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, boosts feelings of fullness, and can even contribute to healthy sleep.

Nearly two of the three grams of fiber in an orange are soluble fiber. This type of fiber has been shown to help reduce blood cholesterol and fend off internal belly fat called visceral fat. One study that tracked adults over five years found that for each 10-gram increase in soluble fiber consumed, the rate of visceral body fat accumulation decreased by 3.7%. That’s significant. Carrying more visceral fat is linked to increased inflammation and a greater risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers.

Potassium and folate are two additional vital nutrients found in oranges. Potassium supports heart function and muscle contractions, and it helps maintain muscle mass. This mineral also acts as a natural diuretic, to reduce blood pressure and counter fluid retention. Folate supports the brain and nervous system, and adequate amounts may help protect against depression and memory problems. Oranges also supply smaller amounts of calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, and B vitamins.

One orange packs about 80% of the daily goal for vitamin C. In addition to supporting immune function.  This key nutrient helps produce collagen, reduce inflammation, and boost the body’s ability to use fat as a fuel source, both during exercise and at rest. Too little blood vitamin C has also been tied to increased body fat and waist measurements. Vitamin C also helps boost the absorption of iron, which can enhance oxygen availability and reduce fatigue. This is especially important for premenopausal women who lose iron through menstruation, and those who follow a plant-based diet, since iron is less readily absorbed from plant sources.

Vitamin C also acts as an aging-fighting antioxidant, and it’s needed for DNA repair and serotonin production. The latter helps to promote happiness and sleep. Health-protective nutrients aren’t only found in oranges and orange juice; they’re also in the peel. Research shows that flavonoids in citrus peels may help prevent the reproduction, growth, and spread of cancer cells, as well as support apoptosis the self-destruct sequence the body uses to kill  off dysfunctional cells.

Consuming enough vitamin C can help a person maintain skin health and appearance.

Vitamin C contributes to Collagen production and  supports the skin, promotes wound healing, and improves skin strength. Vitamin C improves how people perceived their skin health and how healthful it actually was, including appearance, wrinkling, elasticity, and roughness.

Oranges are fantastic as is, but you can also add them, as many of my clients do, to overnight oats, garden salads, stir-fry, chilled whole-grain dishes, savory lettuce wraps, and slaw. When including an orange as a snack, combine with nuts or seeds, nut-based cheese or yogurt, or even herbed olives. And mix it up by incorporating different varieties, including navel, blood, and mandarin.

Be like Frank , eat your oranges.
