One-on-One with Zack Hample

By Steffen Klenk

There is no greater thrill than attending a baseball game and catching a home run. Many wait their whole lives to embrace the experience. Even catching a baseball during batting practice can be a real treat for fans, no matter their age. One man has managed to capture more baseballs than the average fan. How many, you ask? How about over 11,000?

To be precise, 44-year-old New York native Zack Hample has caught a grand total of 11,844 baseballs, as of July 2022. That total includes balls caught during batting practice and warm-ups, as well as toss-ups, foul balls, home runs, and baseballs that are thrown out by the umpires after each game. “If a wet baseball is lodged underneath the tarp, and I get a groundskeeper to retrieve it for me, and he hands it over, I count that,” Zack said during a recent interview with Shore Local.

Zack Hample describes himself as a professional baseball nerd. He has written three baseball books and written for the Minor League Baseball website, but his driving force has always been catching baseballs at Major League games. “I got my first ball when I was 12, and it was nothing more than a hobby and aspiration,” Hample explained. After figuring out several tricks, Hample has since turned his passion into a career. His YouTube channel currently has over 641,000 subscribers.

Hample has traveled to 61 Major League Baseball stadiums and is often asked by fans on social media to visit certain locations. Part of his schedule rotates around how each team is doing. Hample says he’ll usually see the teams that are performing the worst. “That’s who I want to see because the crowds are going to be smaller, and I can run around more, and there are more empty seats and I can catch more baseballs.” While some teams, such as the recent World Series champion Atlanta Braves, are performing well this season, Hample is likely not to go there because of the larger attendance.

One of the biggest struggles in recent years, according to Hample, has been stadium policies. With stadiums opening later than usual, fans arriving early don’t have enough time to watch batting practice and see their favorite player warm up. Earlier this year, Hample wrote on his Twitter page, @Zack_Hample, “If @MLB wants to draw more kids to games & fans for life, stadiums should open EARLIER rather than later.” That tweet has since gone viral.

Zack Hample at the 2021 Field of Dreams Game in Iowa.

While the pandemic and staffing shortages have created challenges for MLB stadiums, Hample says that not being able to see batting practice has taken the fun out of the sport. His message to stadium owners: open their stadiums earlier. “Accept the fact that you will lose a little money to make hundreds of thousands of people happier, and I think it will pay off in the long run.”

Over the years, Hample has been in attendance for milestone moments. His most memorable moment was catching Alex Rodriguez’s 3,000th home run at Yankee Stadium. “Nothing can touch that,” he says, “as far as the sheer insanity and excitement, beating the odds and being connected to a massive historical moment in baseball history.”

One of the biggest stories about the Phillies in recent years has been the acquisition of Bryce Harper. Hample was in the stands for a match-up against the Braves back in 2019 when he caught Harper’s second career home run with the team, a sheer look of shock and excitement on his face. “It was so crowded that I actually left my seat and was wandering around. And then I went back, and Bryce hit one of the highest home runs I’ve ever seen.”

A newly-released feature-length film, Zack Hample vs. The World, documents baseball’s biggest fan and YouTube creator from a unique perspective. With a run time of 95 minutes, fans will get a glimpse inside Hample’s life, adventures, and thought process. The film, produced by legendary filmmaker Jeff Siegel, is available to rent and purchase on streaming outlets such as Prime Video, Apple TV, and Microsoft. Additional information can be found at

In each of Hample’s videos, viewers may notice the many young fans, wearing their baseball hats, jerseys, and gloves, ready to catch baseballs and engage in the sport. For the next generation of fans, Hample shares some words of encouragement and a few tips. “I would say show up early for batting practice, bring your glove; have rosters of both teams either printed up or bookmarked on your phone so you can quickly reference and identify the players. It helps to bring gear like a hat or a shirt or jersey of the visiting team. And ultimately, it’s supposed to be fun. Don’t be too disappointed and don’t feel like you’re king of the world if you do catch one because this game will humble you.”

Zack Hample vs. The World movie poster.

To hear our full interview with Zack Hample, professional baseball nerd and YouTube creator, visit Shore Local Newsmagazine on YouTube. You can also listen to Shore Local: The South Jersey Shore Podcast on your favorite streaming devices. For all things Zack Hample, check out where you will find additional stats, photos, merch, and more. You can also subscribe to his YouTube channel at

Steffen Klenk is a multimedia journalist. He resides in Ocean City and enjoys capturing the eclectic moments of shore life.
