OCBP Hall of Fame

A Look Back at Ocean City
By Fred Miller

The Ocean City Beach Patrol will celebrate its 123rd year as a city-paid squad during the 83rd annual Reunion/Hall of Fame party. It will be held Saturday, August 14, 2021, at the Bayside Center, 520 Bay Avenue, beginning at 6:00 a.m.

The reunion is always held the day after the South Jersey Lifeguard Champion, when many of the alumni are in town for the season’s marquee event.This summer the South Jersey tournament will be held on the 33rd Street beach in Longport on Friday, August 13 beginning at 6:30 p.m.

During this year’s reunion, Matt Garbutt, Jeff Garbutt, Stephanie Hauck and Erin Curry will be inducted into the OCBP Hall of Fame.

Ocean City’s Dan Garbutt, Matt Garbutt and Paul Mangen pose with the South Jersey Lifeguard Championship trophy won August 12, 2005 on the 34th Street beach. The next day an article , written by Guy Gargan, was on the front page of The Press of Atlantic City: “The Ocean City Beach Patrol turned the most anticipated South Jersey Lifeguard Championship ever into a hometown celebration.

“With the presence of ESPN”s cameras adding to the intensity Friday evening, Ocean City single rower Dan Garbutt survived a troublesome wave that turned his boat halfway around to win the final race and clinch the title for the home patrol.

The crowd roared and lifted the boat, which by then also contained brother Matt Garbutt and Paul Mangen, who had won the half-mile swim.”

The members of the Ocean City Beach Patrol are proud of their history and record of accomplishments, and the annual reunion give everyone an opportunity to celebrate the 123-year-old tradition of excellence in the lifesaving profession.
