New Year, New You

Shore Fit
By Bonnie Miller

A new year marks the commencement of “Fresh starts” and “New beginnings.“ So many of us resolve to do or not to do something.   While, I don’t generally like to speak in negative terms, the failure  rate for these resolutions is approximately eighty percent by mid February. How can one avoid the failed, February fizzle? Two words….start small!

Most people set unrealistic goals and have grand expectations within a small time frame. This is too much to tackle, ultimately leading to failure. Many will be hitting the gym, meal planning, meal prepping, carrying that gallon jug of water, depriving themselves of foods they love and then getting so overwhelmed by it all, QUIT!

I have been guilty of this. It has brought me to the conclusion that bigger goals need to be broken into smaller goals by creating small daily habits that will lead us to victories. Making one  change at a time in your daily routine, is crucial.

This is tough for us as a society because  we want instant gratification. However, quick fixes don’t work for the long haul. But small positive changes snowball into more small positive changes. Real change takes time, effort, and patience.

If the big goal is to lose weight, break it down and not necessarily in this order. Start by drinking 16oz of water every morning when you wake, or setting out Sundays for meal planning and prepping for the week. Another positive step could be setting a reminder to go to bed at the same time each night and getting the recommended eight hours of sleep or planning 20 minutes a day of cardiovascular exercise, three to five times per week. In no time, you’ll be increasing the duration of your workouts or water intake.

A new habit can take 60-90 days to master. Writing in a journal also promotes success and keeps you accountable. I find tracking my food, water and exercise are critical to my success. There are so many wonderful apps out there these days or simply use a pencil and paper. Lastly but not least, celebrate even the smallest positive change and you’ll be victorious.

Bonnie Miller is certified fitness instructor at the Ocean City Aquatic and Fitness Center and the JCC in Margate. She is a mom of three and resides Somers Point.
