Multitasking Modern Moms

Multitasking Modern Moms

Letter from the editor

With flip flop season nearly upon us, I set out to get my feet ready with a pedicure this week. I just settled into my vibrating chair as I dipped my toes into the bubbling water when the unthinkable happened. My phone died.

My jaw dropped as a wave of panic came upon me.  I looked to my left and saw a woman busy tapping away on her phone. Then I looked to the right and saw another woman simultaneously talking on a phone while typing on an iPad. I had no choice but to suck it up and simply sit there.

With nothing left to do other than think, it occurred to me that only a decade ago, the whole purpose of getting a pedicure was to sit back and relax. Like many of us stuck in this digital era, I have gotten so accustomed to multitasking incessantly that not doing so made me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

The images of multitasking mothers has changed over the years. What once was depicted as women carrying their children while cooking or working in the fields has been replaced with images of moms closing deals with a cell phone in their left hand a toddler in their right. Moms are still doing it all and taking it in stride.

In some ways it’s wonderful. So many opportunities are created by the flexibility offered by the power of a smartphone. Being in constant contact with our loved ones is reassuring. Social media access, the ability to catch a quick ride somewhere, find a nearby restaurant, or run an entire business on the go are all powered by this device that we are all so lost without.

The only problem is it never stops. The emails, calls, texts and notifications are endless. The mental reaction to every ring, beep, or buzz makes working 24/7 too easy for some of us. When is it enough?

With reiki, yoga, meditation, and minimalism all in high demand, it seems clear that more and more of us are longing for the opportunity to disconnect and recenter.

Being a mom invites chaos into your life like no other job in this world. It also is a love and joy beyond words. Regardless, calm is not in a two year olds vocabulary nor a teens. Coupled with the 24/7 demands of technology, juggling careers and family, motherhood can often be stressful.

If you are looking for the perfect gift for mom, consider something that is calming. Perhaps a gift card for reiki, yoga or the spa. Give her a moment when she has no choice but to disconnect and unwind.

Wishing all the Mothers, Grandmothers and Mothers to be a very Happy Mother’s Day !

Peace & Love,
