“Mom Brain” is Real

Moms Vibe:
By Krystle J. Bailey

We’ve all experienced it in one way or another. My younger sister used to refer to it as “placenta brain” when we were pregnant with our first children until we realized “mom brain” was a permanent thing. I often tell people that I traded my brain in exchange for children. Now my oldest loves to refer to me as “Dory” from Finding Nemo.

However you cut it, “mom brain” is a real thing and one thing is for sure: it does not end after pregnancy. With so many things to think about, worry about, and figure out daily, it is easy to find ourselves scatterbrained and forgetful.

Some experts have conducted studies showing that “mom brain” is actually beneficial, resulting in a mother’s ability to multitask and think creatively. Afterall, that is how we survive – through creative multitasking. For most of us however, it can feel exhausting when we miss an appointment or feel like we can not get it all done. Try these — ideas to cope with “Mom Brain.”

Give Yourself A Break

It can be frustrating when you feel like you are existing in a permanent fog. Wherever you find yourself in the motherhood journey, take a deep breath and remember that you are not alone in the struggle. Give yourself a break and remind yourself of all the things you do on a daily basis. As mothers, we have a perpetually full plate that needs tending to. It’s okay if you feel like you can not do it all. While we might be the rockstars of our homes, we are still only human. Do your best and forget the rest.

5 Minutes or Less Rule

Let’s be honest, “mental notes” no longer typically work for us. We might think we will remember that one thing we have to put in our calendar later but how often do we forget until it’s too late? The “5 Minutes or Less Rule” is a helpful way to get things done effectively. If the task takes less than five minutes, just do it. Make the document, write the email, switch the laundry, put the event in your calendar, whatever it is, just do it right away. It will take a minute or two out of your present moment and add an abundance of peace to your mind. That’s one less thing you have to think about now.

Take Time to Recharge

You are not the Energizer Bunny. You were not created to keep going and going. I read an Instagram caption recently by @eatingheryoung that said, “The mother is the priority. She is the important one. She is the one with wisdom and insight. Neglect the mother, neglect the world.”

We must remember that we are the source, the hub, the core. If we are fizzling and frustrated, chances are everyone else is too. It’s imperative that we take time to recharge our energy and refocus our minds. Our children take up serious real estate in our brains. Taking time to focus on what we love to do, what makes us an individual in this world, is a healthy way to clear mental space so we can continue to be the moms that we want to be.

Digital To-Do Lists

Anybody else known for handwriting a huge to-do list only to leave it on the kitchen table? Thank goodness for technology in our pockets that can help us stay on our A-game when it comes to the never ending list of things needing our attention. Keep a running list in your phone notes or find a to-do list app that best serves your life. Know that it’s there as a resource for you, rather than a thorn in your side. It’s a tool in your “motherhood toolbox.”

Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health

Forget the idea of exercising to get your “pre-baby body” back.  You’re a mother now. You can have whatever body you’d like. However, taking care of our physical health is a great way to improve our mental health. Regular exercise, water intake, and whole foods all aid in healthy brain function.

Mental health matters. You are worth the time, energy, and resources to seek proper mental health support, whatever that may look like for you. Whether it is a mental health specialist, a spiritual advisor, or some time with your girlfriends, you need the time and space to allow your mind to exist freely. Give yourself space for that.

You are doing great, Shore Local Mom! Keep that beautiful light shining by prioritizing yourself this week and beyond.

Krystle J Bailey. Multimedia journalist, Author, Poet.

Connect with Krystle on Instagram @thedailybailey5
