Meet the Sandman

Ventnor’s sand sculptor draws attention

By Cindy Christy Fertsch

Richard Bates, of Absecon, is known by local beachgoers as the “The Sandman.”

“I sit all week,” says Bates, who is an IT Computer professional.  “So when I get to the beach the last thing I want to do is sit.” Instead Bates digs, shapes, molds and sculpts.

You can find him on the beach between Suffolk Avenue and Surrey Avenue in Ventnor nearly every Saturday and Sunday.

Bates often draws a curious crowd. “Are you an artist? What are you doing?  Why do you do it?” are some of the most common questions asked by onlookers.

“I do it because I find it therapeutic,” replies Bates. He has been sculpting sand creations for the last ten years. Dolphins, castles, and Disney characters are some of his favorite inspirations. A variety of shovels, buckets, water and a straw are the tools of his trade.

“I’ve been playing with sand my whole life. It is only in recent years that I have become more serious about sculpting and creating with it,” shares Bates. “I attended a couple sand sculpting classes in Cape May.”

One Sunday, I had the opportunity to visit with Bates on his own sandy turf. We talked while he artistically molded the sand into a castle. To my delight, Bates then also formed the Shore Local logo out of sand.

Bates’ adult son purchased a “Sandman” shirt for him and it quickly became a weekend favorite.

 “It is all for fun and it’s there to hopefully make someone smile,” shares Bates.

If you are taking a walk along the Ventnor beach, keep an eye out for the Sandman.

Sandman Tips for Sand Sculpting:

Get a bucket with either no bottom or saw the bottom off of a heavy duty bucket.  Purchase or gather some simple tools such as a paint brush, straw and popsicle sticks. If you want some inspiration or would like to get more serious about your sand sculpting, Bates suggests watching Matt Long Videos on YouTube and visit
