Making Memories at the Shore

Letter from the editor

When I think back on my childhood, there was one magical week each year that stands out in my mind – when my family headed down the shore for vacation. The days were spent playing in the surf and sand.  At night we immersed ourselves in the excitement of the boardwalk; the rides, sights and sounds were a delight to the senses. It was the week I looked forward to the entire year!

My mom was the first-generation beach bum in our family. With three kids in tow, she insisted we set up on the beach by 10 am and didn’t even think about leaving until 5 pm. She first slathered us with suntan lotion and passed out sandwiches and snacks. She then slipped away into a good book while sitting at the water’s edge. My brothers and I jumped waves, buried each other in sand and built sandcastles. Sometimes my cousins came along and that made it even more special.

My brothers and I had those inflatable canvas rafts that were popular in the ’70s. Being several years older, my brothers knew how to use them to ride the waves. Always attempting to keep up though, I followed. After floating for a while, I got caught in a rip current. Before I knew it, I was in serious trouble. Clinging to my raft, the lifeguard pulled me into safety.  I was only five years old, but I learned to respect the ocean that day.

After a long day in the sun, we would pack up and head to our vacation house to get showered and ready for an exciting night.

The boardwalk was pure magic with all the crowds, arcades, exciting rides, cool shops, and of course the cool breeze and sound of the ocean only feet away. Vacation meant no bedtime, ice cream every day and pizza, sometimes at midnight! That was like hitting the lottery in my young mind.

Those weeks down the shore encompassed many of my best childhood memories. I can close my eyes and recall the smell of the salt air, hear the seagulls and feel the connection with my loved ones from back then.

Like Disney’s fictional character, Moana, the ocean calls me. I love it. In fact, I need it. The movement and massiveness of the water soothes my soul unlike anything else. I grew up and married a surfer who also felt a deep connection to the ocean. We settled 10 minutes from the beach and raised our family in this area that I vacationed at as a child. Even better, my parents also moved to the area. Now in their eighties, you can find them sitting on a bench at the Music Pier, sipping their coffee and taking it all in.

Summer is officially here, and summer is our time to shine. The beach is our most beautiful and astounding natural resource. Recreational opportunities are everywhere, from fishing or boating to paddle boarding and surfing. The bay offers jet skiing, parasailing, dolphin cruises, aqua parks and more.

Island hopping is alive and well. We can enjoy so many spectacular events and amenities, all within a short drive.  From Beachstock in Margate to Art in the Park in Somers Point this weekend, there is so much to take in. In this issue of Shore Local, we check out all the family fun.

Whether you’re on vacation or live in the area, take a moment to embrace what is before us and make memories with your loved ones. There are countless opportunities at the shore! We hope to help you find them.

Wishing you and your family a fantastic and memorable summer.

Peace & Love,
