Make The Most Of The Season

Jeff’s Journal
By Jeff Whitaker

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the value of traditions.  There is no time of year I think about this more than during this month.  As we inch closer to Christmas and New Year’s Eve, are you making the time to squeeze in some “special time” with family or friends? Every year as a family, we make it a point to try to set aside time to watch some of our favorite movies.  One night that has always been special is Polar Express night.  My wife buys new pajamas for each member of our family, wraps them up and everyone gets to open an early Christmas gift.  Everyone gets in these new pajamas. Then we gather around the television, put some homemade hot cocoa on the stove and “take an imaginary ride” on The Polar Express.  At the part in the movie where they serve hot cocoa on the train, we pause the film and serve up our own hot cocoa.  Crazy as it seems, everyone looks forward to this night every year no matter how old the kids get. 

One of my daughters asked if we could go caroling this year.  I think we might try to work that into the schedule too.  The important thing is to spend time with others making memories.  We’ve found that it’s not the expensive or extravagant things that leave the best impression.  Rather it’s the little things that everyone remembers and comes back to each year. 

I’m not naive enough to know that for some of you reading this, the holiday season does not invoke warm memories or happy thoughts.  I know this can be a painful time for some.  While I can’t say I am able to relate, I would encourage you to surround yourself this year with friends or family who can help lift you up in what is otherwise a difficult season.

And for the rest of us, it might be a good idea to reach out to others who may be alone or feeling down and include them in something uplifting and encouraging.  This is a time of year when we celebrate the gift of a baby born in a manager; a baby who came to this earth as the ultimate expression of love.  Anyway we can find to share that love and hope with someone else can go a long way to make this season brighter in a time when we all need something to celebrate and lift us up.  Merry Christmas! 

Jeff Whitaker is a veteran broadcaster here in South Jersey. He now draws on his experience and training to work with companies and individuals to develop effective storytelling, communications and leadership skills. Find free resources and ways Jeff can work with you at
