Letter to the editor: Support Offshore Wind Farms

As a dolphin and whale lover, I was dismayed when I learned of so many of these beautiful creatures dying and washing ashore.  But to jump to the conclusion that their deaths were directly attributable to offshore wind farms seemed rash to me.  After further research, I found, according to NOAA, DEP and other reputable scientists and researchers, there is no concrete evidence linking the windfarms to these deaths.  Although there is credible evidence that the politicos raising the alarm and advocating shutting down these farms are backed by fossil fuel companies and their bottom line, that is, fears that the windfarms themselves are detracting from the tourist trade.

These wind farms are projected to produce 1100 megawatts of power – enough to power half a million homes in Southern NJ.  In promoting clean energy, we help diminish the impacts of climate change and the devastating effects it has on our surrounding waters and sea life.  If we really want to help, support and maintain marine wildlife, we can do so by creating a more viably sustainable ocean environment via the use of more clean energy, not less.  The situation will continue to be monitored.  In the meantime, and until we know more, please say “yes” to the clean energy produced by offshore wind farms.

Cynthia Grzywinski,


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