Lau’Ren Ellis: Welcome to the Jungle

The energy in Lau’Ren Ellis’s plant oasis is light and inviting. The home-based business located in Mays Landing is every plant lover’s dream with towering birds of paradise, slithering snake plants, and every variation of pothos plants imaginable.

“It’s small but it’s special,” explains Lau’Ren who grew up in the same home where she is now raising her daughter Zoe. “I’m not rushing to leave this home. Welcome to the jungle.”

Surrounded by over 100 houseplants, the space is overflowing with greenery and abundance. What began with 3 or 4 small house plants in the beginning of 2020 has evolved into a full blown plant business for 31 year-old Ellis.

Growing up, Lau’Ren and her mother spent countless spring hours nurturing their community garden. Spending time with green-thumbed neighbors, a young Lau’Ren learned about annual versus perennial plants, how to care for a garden, and the value of pouring time and energy into something beautiful.

Lau’Ren recalls her parents always keeping a house plant or two around their home, near the record player, or accenting a living room. It is those childhood memories that offer full-circle, nostalgic moments for Lau’Ren, as her new business, Lau’Fleur begins to bloom.

It began as a necessity for Lau’Ren. “Plants were an escape during a stressful time in my life. Finding beauty in the simple things has always been a way to alleviate stress. Plants and flowers have always done that for me.”

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, Lau’Ren had been using her gift of a green thumb to create beautiful floral arrangements for friends, family, and special occasions. As demand began to increase for bouquets, the Lau’Fleur business started to grow naturally.

When the world shut down in March 2020, the interest in houseplants for mental and physical health increased exponentially. As Lau’Ren was adding houseplants to her own collection, she noticed a need for her knowledge and experience among her friends.

“My collection went from 3, to 10, to 20 and I started seeing the difference in how houseplants react. Then people started asking me for advice and I found such joy in doing that for them.” explains Ellis.

The aforementioned seeds eventually culminated in a beautiful, home-based business now known as Lau’Fleur.

Lau’Fleur, which is french for “flower,” and a creative play on Lau’Ren’s name, is a full service plant center. Offering a variety of plant services as well as custom floral arrangements, Lau’Fleur has something to meet every need.

Services include plant consultations where Lau’Ren will come to your home to evaluate which plants will do best in your unique lighting situation or help you set up a plant oasis of your own. Consultations take into consideration the family’s lifestyle, travel, lighting, and design needs. From the plants to the pots, Lau’Ren works with clients to create a plant inspired atmosphere.

Additionally, Lau’Fleur offers plant scouting, repotting, wholesale options, and of course, plant sales. As Lau’Fleur continues to evolve and grow, Lau’Ren is continuing to add new services.

Floral arrangements are offered in two different styles, the Lau’Fleur Mini and Lau’Fleur Classic. Both gorgeous bouquets in two different sizes. Additionally, Lau’Ren specializes in creating extravagant floral arrangements for weddings and other special events.

Lau’Ren lights up with joy as she discusses plants, flowers, and full circle moments. Her mother, who planted the green-thumb seed in Lau’Ren as a young child, is an active part of the Lau’Fleur business. Often stopping by to help with arrangements or lend a hand, her mother remains her #1 fan.

As Lau’Ren works to finish her graduate degree, raise her six-year-old daughter, and grow a budding plant business, she looks forward to opening a brick and mortar plant store where she plans to spend her days working with her mom and daughter by her side. Lau’Ren lights up with the opportunity to name a plant or offer houseplant advice to a friend. It is this passion that waters her small business growth every day.

Three houseplant tips from Lau’Fleur:

Drainage holes are necessary. If your pots do not have drainage holes, place the nursery pot inside of the decorative pot. When it’s time to water, remove the nursery pot and allow the water to fully drain from the bottom.

When in doubt, underwater. Underwatering your plants is always better than overwatering, which can cause root rot and other plant problems.

When you have plants, you get bugs. A simple mixture of 25% apple cider vinegar, 10% dish soap, and water will do the trick. Fill a water bottle with the vinegar and soap then top off with water. Shake it up then fill small shot glasses with the mixture and place them around your plants to catch gnats.

Follow @Laufleur_ on Facebook and Instagram for plant tips, repotting guides, greenery inspiration and more.

Krystle J Bailey. Multimedia journalist, Author, Poet.

Connect with Krystle on Instagram @thedailybailey5

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