Instilling the Joy of Giving

Mom’s Vibe
By Krystle J. Bailey

Gratitude and giving are ideals that we try to instill in our children year ‘round but the holiday season always brings these concepts front and center. As we kick-off the 2020 holidays this week, I have been looking for fresh ideas for showing gratitude as well as giving back. Here are just a few ideas that I found and wanted to pass along.

Gratitude Bracelets

Gratitude bracelets are a creative way to express what we are thankful for with elementary-aged children. A friend of mine offered me this idea including a list of unique fill-in-the-blank questions. You will need five small beads and pipe cleaners or ribbon.

Have your children answer the following questions then choose a bead that represents each blank. Have them place the beads onto the pipe cleaner and wrap it carefully around their wrists. As they wear their new bracelet, they are reminded of all that there is to show thanks for.

I am lucky to have _____________.

I am thankful to know  ________.

________ makes me really happy.

My sunshine person is _________.

I’m so grateful for ____________.

Gratitude Stones

Select stones from outside or grab some craft stones, collect your paints and, and get crafty. As you decorate these stones with your family, discuss things that you are thankful for and use symbols that represent those things on your stones. Once the stones are dry, place them around the house, in your car, at your desk, in the shower, or anywhere that you can think of. Throughout your days, as you see the stones, use them as a mental reminder to pause for a deep breath of gratitude.

Gratitude Conversation Starters

Conversation starters are a great way to get more reserved children to open up or to dive deeper than simply making a list of things you’re thankful for. Make a jar of conversation starters for your home and invite anyone in the family to grab one at any time. Here are some conversation starters to get you started. A simple google search will offer you more ideas.

What do you love about your home? Why?

What was your favorite part about today?

Who makes you smile?

What positive adjectives could you use to describe your sibling? Yourself?

Who is the person that you trust the most?

What is your favorite toy? Why?

What was the best thing to happen to you this year?

What are you looking forward to?

What changes have you been through lately?

Has something happened in your life that you expected to be bad but was actually good?

Giving Ideas

As we reinforce the beautiful gift of giving to others, this is a great opportunity to show our kids that everyone feels and expresses love differently. Many families have physical needs right now such as food and Christmas gifts for their children. However, giving does not always have to come in the form of tangible items.  Many people need a simple phone call or a card that says, “I love you” or “I care about you.” If 2020 has shown us anything, it’s that human connection is the best gift of all.

Check on your elderly friends and family members. The joy of a child’s laughter or smile might be exactly what they need this holiday season. Have your children make cards and drop them off with a socially distant wave. Take it a step further by having the children make cards for strangers in nursing homes or hospitals. These simple acts of love go further than you might think. Who doesn’t need an extra dose of love this holiday season?

Clean up a local park. This act of service requires nothing but your time and energy. Pick out a local park or neighborhood, grab a trash bag and some gloves and straighten it up as a gift to your community and to yourself. It feels good to do good.

Don’t forget the animals! Spend some time gathering old blankets and towels then donate them to the local animal shelter. If you have the resources to do so, consider donating a bag of dog or cat food as well.

Of course, there are countless ways to give and give thanks this holiday season that do not require a lot of money, only a little effort and an extra dose of love.

Most of all, treat each other with kindness. We all need more of it this year!

Happy Holidays, Shore Local Family!

Krystle J Bailey. Multimedia journalist, Author, Poet
