How to stay fitness focused this holiday season

Shore Fit
By Bonnie Dodd-Miller

The things that make the holidays wonderful such as yummy delicious foods, fun celebrations (toasting and all) and time with family and friends are the same things that make it a challenge to stick with a health and fitness routine. 

So many of us gain weight during this time. A few pounds may not seem like a big deal, but the problem arises when we don’t lose them and those holiday pounds add up over time.

Holidays do not have to be synonymous with weight gain. I recently learned this myself after listening to my favorite podcast. 

My problem isn’t so much about the holidays as it is with vacationing. What resonated with me is that vacation is just a location, and I am still me, with all of those goals that I want to achieve. 

The holidays are no different.

It is possible to enjoy yourself and loosen the reins a bit while still maintaining your weight. In fact, if you have a plan in place, you may even lose weight. 

The easiest way to do it is to form healthy habits now, before the season is in full swing. How can you go wrong if you have a plan in motion?

For instance, if you have a big holiday party to attend or even the actual holiday dinner, think about what you can do to be successful and treat your body in the way it’s meant to be treated: with respect.

On the day of your event, plan a simple breakfast of yogurt with sliced berries. Then go to your favorite exercise class and keep that commitment like you always do. Next, have a healthy, protein-packed lunch and lots of water throughout the day.

By the time your event rolls around, you will be in such control and feel so good about yourself that if you want that piece of pie or glass of champagne, it won’t matter so much.  Just remember that you are in charge of what you choose to do for yourself and what you put in your body and no one can sabotage that. 

I encourage people to start sooner rather than later when it comes to preparing for the holiday season, especially since habits take a lot of repetition to successfully form. 

One of my favorite quotes is, “Fail to plan, plan to fail.”  You have to spend the time during a normal week, so why should this be any different?

Be mindful and prepare yourself for what foods or beverages may be present and think about how to tackle it. Maybe you’d like to spend it on dessert, or perhaps having a glass of champagne (or two) sounds good. I recommend that you pick one and not all.

I tend to eat healthy at our holiday meals or parties, skip the dessert but favor the wine. It doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing mindset. 

Holiday stress is common and can be a big problem when your coping strategy turns to eating foods that comfort you. They may be comforting in the moment, but they will eventually leave you feeling not so great.

The foods that we eat make the difference in how we feel and can also hurt our physical health. It’s so important to make mindfulness a part of your routine now so you have it as a tool in your toolbox and can combat stress when it hits. Yoga is a great way to practice mindfulness and relax. Meditation is great, too. 

When things get hectic, our healthy habits start to go out the window.  Staying hydrated by drinking enough water will keep you feeling energized and prevent overeating. It’s also one of the easiest habits to implement. Making one healthy choice has a snowball effect and leads to others.

I recommend setting a daily water goal that you can practice hitting now, and carry with you into the holidays.  I aim for a gallon every day, but am happy to hit 100 ounces. 

Also, a nightly routine to help you wind down from the day is essential for your mental health. Giving your body that much-needed break can help you sleep better and feel more energized in the morning.

Start reading a new book or journaling and create a routine you love before falling asleep. In fact, that’s what I’m doing at this very moment. I’m writing this article before bed because it’s relaxing and something that I enjoy. 

Make that time to de-stress and practice a little self care at the end of every day.  You deserve it.

All of my recommendations should help put you in the right headspace to make healthy choices during the holidays, or any big events in your life.

Bonnie Miller is certified fitness instructor at the Ocean City Aquatic and Fitness Center and Atilis Gym in Galloway. She is a mom of three and resides Somers Point.
