How to De-stress From Christmas Pressure: Advice for Parents

Moms Vibe:
By Krystle J. Bailey

With only two weeks until Christmas, the pressure is on. Many of us are scrambling for last-minute gifts, trying to fit in every holiday party, and plan big holiday meals, all while maintaining the normal chaos level that comes with parenting. There are still lunches to pack, homework to complete, and school pictures to purchase. Not to mention, if you have an Elf on the Shelf, that needs to be figured out too.  It can feel overwhelming, to say the least!

Take a deep breath! Remember this: It’s okay if the season isn’t filled to the brim with 24/7 magic. You are allowed to slow down. It’s okay to say “no.” The to-do list will get done at some point. It is okay if this is a hard time of year for you. You don’t have to pretend to be okay if you’re not. Your family does not care about perfection. Simplicity is beautiful. Coffee is not a sustainable diet. Naps are amazing and necessary. Finally, and most importantly, you are incredible.

Try these tips for maintaining your sanity this Christmas season:

Set Boundaries

Many families have introduced the rule that they only attend one holiday event per day or only a certain amount of events per week. It is impossible to do it all. Set healthy boundaries for yourself that keep you sane while also allowing you to enjoy the holiday season. Clearly communicate these boundaries with the people you love and stick to them for yourself.

Keep It Simple & Communicate

An open conversation with your family about holiday expectations can go a long way. As parents, we typically want to give our children everything in our power. The reality is, however, that half of it is often unnecessary. Talk to your family about your desire to keep things simple, peaceful, and easygoing this year. Let them know what they can expect from you and how they can help maintain the household peace. If that means not taking out every single Christmas decoration you’ve ever owned, then allow that to be the case. Maybe it means an artificial tree this year or just immediate family for Christmas dinner. Whatever simplicity looks like for you, remember that it is there for the taking.

Make Time For Yourself

I know it’s easier said than done, but you need it! Take 10 minutes a day to lock yourself in your bathroom and meditate, read a book, or scroll social media. Whatever it is that you need to do to unwind, do it. You deserve it. You’re worthy of it. It is necessary for your well-being. Get out of the house and meet a friend for coffee, get a manicure, or indulge in an early Christmas gift for yourself that brings you joy.

Skip The Christmas Cards

Honestly, nobody is going to be upset. If you haven’t sent out the Christmas cards yet, you have permission not to. Everyone will survive along with your sanity. You don’t have to do everything, every year, for everyone. You are allowed to skip a thing or two along the way in the name of your mental health.

Buy For Kids Only

Time, decisions, and money are all holiday stressors. Change things up this year and invite your family to only buy presents for the children. Save money and stress by eliminating half of the shopping list. You can give thoughtful cards or easy bottles of wine, lottery tickets, or Wawa gift cards instead of the big gifts this year or host a White Elephant gift exchange.

Now, another deep breath. This will all pass by, and another year will be behind us. Everything will be just fine, even if you change the plan two weeks out. The kids will be okay,  your spouse will be okay, and most importantly, you will be at peace. Seek that peace of mind and hold on tight. You deserve it.

Krystle J Bailey. Multimedia journalist, Author, Poet.

Connect with Krystle on Instagram @thedailybailey5
