Hometown Hero: Robert Frolow

By Cindy Fertsch

Robert Frolow, Director of Veterans Services

Drafted to serve in the United States Army in 1968, Robert Frolow served in the 9th Infantry, 39th Cavalry.

As an armor scout, he crawled on his belly through tall grasses for night ambush patrols in Cambodia. He would later learn that those grasses were laden with chemicals that resulted in long term effects, ultimately confining Frolow to a wheelchair.

Despite his dramatic changes in his life, Frolow has continued to serve his country with great pride. Today Frolow is the Director of Veterans Services for Atlantic County, a  position he has held for the past 18 years.

Frolow helps veterans understand the benefits that are available to them, assists with the application process and, if needed, assists with appeals and hearings.

Frolow works closely with other veteran and human services agencies and is the county’s primary contact point for veteran issues. He provides assistance, referrals and case management services to military veterans and their family members regarding their legal rights and eligibility for services and service-related benefits.

The Veterans Services Office is located at 201 South Shore Road in Northfield and is at the VA Clinic on Wednesdays to help provide “one stop” shopping for veterans and their families. The appeals and hearings also take place on site. Veterans no longer have to attend hearings or drive long distances to appeal a decision related to veterans services.

“The pleasure I receive in this job is when I am able to help someone get the treatment and care they need,” shares Frolow. “Sometimes it takes perseverance. You may get a couple negative responses before you get an approval.  Our job is to help veterans understand and receive the benefits available to them, including long term care for families.”

Recently, the Veterans Affairs of Atlantic County celebrated the opening of the Veterans Wing at Meadowview Nursing Home. 

The center was awarded a five-year agreement with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide medical services as well as provide health care solutions for veterans in Atlantic County.

Meadowview has previously offered veterans services but can now provide them with coverage from the VA.

Prior to that, veterans had to take long, grueling bus trips out of state in order to obtain care that would be covered by the VA.

The expansions were much needed and closed gaps in health care services for veterans In Atlantic County.

Frolow also serves on the Veterans Advisory  Board for the County, AM Vets 911, VFW lifetime member and honorary member of Submariners. Additionally  he is the Commander of the Somers Point Legion.

Frolow gives his all everyday to serving veterans in our area.
