Hometown Hero: Carter Doorley

Young surfer is making waves and riding them too: 300+ days straight

By Cindy Christy Fertsch

Carter Doorley, a ten-year-old from Brigantine, has surfed more than 300 consecutive days — in nor’easters, rain, snow, and freezing temperatures! Paired with his passion for waves, Carter is passionate about helping others. He has raised money for an animal rescue, collected 1,266 cans of food for those in need, collected and sent Valentines to our troops overseas. Also, each and every day, he picks trash up off our beaches. Carter exemplifies the old adage that little (or young) people can make a big difference!

It all began when nine-year-old Carter found himself home from school on quarantine a year ago last March. He decided to spend his time doing what he loved, surfing. Since the beaches were never closed in Brigantine and surfing is a sport that allows ample social distance, he decided he would go surfing every single day. His initial goal was to surf 100 consecutive days. He met that goal in early September, and kept on going. Today, March 25th marks his 305th day and he is still going strong!

Carter noticed on social media that the Funny Farm Rescue was struggling to meet the needs of all the animals, with donations lower due to the pandemic. He recalled had gone there on a field trip in first grade and quickly decided to fundraise for the non-profit. He created “Twenty waves for twenty dollars.” When someone donated twenty dollars to Funny Farm Rescue, Carter in return, promised to catch twenty waves. He visited the farm in November and presented a check to farm owner, Laurie Zaleski, for $315.

Following that, Carter initiated a food drive for the holidays. He collected 1,266 canned food items, donating them to the True Spirit Coalition of Brigantine Food Pantry.

“I just really want to help people like my Dad does,” explains Carter.  Andrew Doorley, Carter’s father, is both a firefighter and lieutenant on the beach patrol in Brigantine. Carter’s mom, Dawn Doorley explains that Carter has been watching his father help people his entire life.

In January and February, Carter collected valentines and treats for the Troops overseas. He, along with his mom, Dawn Doorley delivered them to the Yellow Ribbon Alliance in Marlton, to be sent overseas.  “We are so proud of Carter,” shares Dawn. “Especially for helping people, being kind and giving back to people.”Carter was awarded the Core Values award from the South Jersey Board Riders organization. He also won an online surf contest, hosted by Gabb Wireless, a cell phone company for kids. Carter was selected Crowd Favorite, winning a Firewire Surfboard. He is looking forward to participating in another upcoming Gabb Wireless Ambassador Contest, with a $10,000 prize, along with his face on a billboard.

Carter learned how to surf when he was only five years old. His dad pushed him into the waves and Carter was a natural. He shared earlier that his favorite surf session ever was his 100th day a row. It was a cause for celebration. There were balloons, and friends and family, along with the mayor were there to congratulate him.

“The surfing community has been overwhelmingly supportive,” says Carter’s mom, Dawn Doorley. Local pro surfer Ben Gravy chats with Carter often and the local surf shops have been supportive as well. A family friend, John Szatkowski goes out in the water with Carter frequently and has coached him previously, during the summer.The active hurricane season this year has fueled some rough surf conditions with big waves. Many wondered if the rolling giants would stop Carter. Not at all, said mom.  “Carter’s fearless,” she added. “Even during the hurricane swells, he’s not afraid.” Carter’s parents do watch the surf conditions carefully though and often give Carter a time window to surf when conditions are optimal.

Carter’s mom, Dawn, shared that Carter has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD) disorder. She said that surfing is the first thing that Carter has really stuck with and she is thrilled that he has found his niche and is thriving.

So what’s next for Carter? Well, one thing we know for sure is he will be riding plenty of waves. His next goal is 365 consecutive days, then 400. If there is a world record holder, he or she better watch out because there is no stopping this 4th grader.

Carter is now raising funds for SurfAid’s 2021 Clean Water Challenge.  SurfAid is an international non-profit organization committed to helping those in remote areas of Indonesia, the Solomon Islands and Baja Sur, Mexico. Carter’s goal is to raise $500, by catching 30 waves within 30 days. You can learn more by clicking the link of Carter’s Instagram page, @Cartercatcheswaves

You can follow Carter on Instagram. His mom created an Instagram account for him @cartercatcheswaves  to document his journey. She runs the account,  but lets him comment under her supervision.
