Happy Mother’s Month, Shore Local Moms!

Mom’s Vibe
By Krystle J. Bailey

Let’s be honest, every day should be Mother’s Day. We are the axis that our little worlds spin, the sunshine in our kids lives, and the gravity that keeps it all together. We are the universe for our children every day, every week, every month.

While one special day every year is nice, I’m declaring Mother’s Month this year to celebrate all that we have been this past year. Mother’s Month means anything you buy for yourself or do for yourself this month is a Mother’s Day gift. So splurge, indulge, love on yourself a little more this month. You absolutely deserve it.

Whether you’re buying yourself gifts, looking for a special gift for the mothers in your life, or passing this list to your significant other, check out some of these gift-worthy ideas.


Keepsake Book

This gift is so unique! Storyworth.com sends a unique question to the recipient about their life experiences from childhood to motherhood. Questions can be customized or changed according to the recipient. When the email arrives, they simply respond to the email telling a piece of their story. At the end of the year, the responses are combined into a bound book and sent to the author. Additional copies can also be ordered for children who want to cherish the story of the family matriarch.

Custom Handwriting Jewelry

Moms are sentimental. We try to hold onto every moment because we know it all passes so quickly. Custom handwritten jewelry is a beautiful way to capture a child’s early handwriting and create a gift that lasts forever. Gift suggestions include a child writing phrases such as “I love you,” their name, or “mommy.” For moms who have lost a loved one, gift ideas can include signatures on an old greeting card turned into jewelry or memorialize a piece of artwork. Custom jewelry makers can be found on Etsy.com. CaitlynMinimalist on Etsy is a highly regarded custom jewelry shop.


The health benefits of houseplants are endless. Give the gift of a houseplant and the added benefits that come with it including mood improvement, improved air quality, and reduced stress and anxiety. Houseplants have become quite a craze during the pandemic but many who consider themselves with a “brown thumb” are hesitant to jump on board.

Check out some low maintenance houseplants such as the spider plant, peace lily, hanging pothos, and any succulent. Visit your local plant nursery such as Bob’s Garden Center or Ronnie’s Garden Center. Visit Laufleur_ on Facebook and Instagram to schedule an in-home plant consultation, buy Mother’s Day flowers, and gain plant inspiration.


We know that subscription boxes are all the craze. Why not take this opportunity to put a unique twist on a box for the mother in your life (or a bag, whatever works). Collect some little odds and ends that fit the unique personality of the woman in your life and curate a special gift box that shows you pay attention. Lotions, face masks, candles, gift certificates, candy, jewelry, and perfume are just a few ideas to start your box. If you don’t have the time or ideas for your own box, check out happyboxstore.com to create a special box for yourself, your mom, or another lady in your life.


At the end of the day, this has been a wild year for parents everywhere. This Mother’s Day/Month, I want to encourage you to take a moment to breathe and to celebrate all that you are. If you’re reading this looking for an idea for your spouse or mother, I can not stress enough how much we all can benefit from the opportunity to take a deep, slow breath. Create space for those deep breaths this Mother’s Month.

Krystle J Bailey. Multimedia journalist, Author, Poet

