Giving More Presence, Not Presents

From the Editor

I can close my eyes and picture the scene so vividly: our three children on Christmas morning, bright-eyed with anticipation. An abundance of neatly wrapped gifts, each labeled “From Santa” surrounding the twinkling tree. Each child ripped through the paper with squeals of delight, as our dog would prance through the center of it. Christmas day was always full of smiles, love, and laughter.

Soon though, the toys that had once offered ear-to-ear grins would be kicked to the side as the children moved on to a new interest. As the years passed, the house became increasingly cluttered with toys. Bob and I were guilty of going overboard on gift-giving when the kids were young, often falling trap to the “no payments until next year” credit card promotions.

However, as the kids began to get older, we got wiser. We realized that the most valuable gift we can give is our presence. Our undivided attention and quality time far outweighs even the shiniest toy.

Being fully present did not come naturally to me. As I sat on the floor playing Barbie for the eight thousandth time, I thought about all the other things I could be getting done. Still, I played games and tried to listen more carefully, fighting the urge to let my mind wander.

Just when I thought I was getting good at it, along came the most distracting device of all time: the iPhone. Now, distraction was in the palm of my hand as the phone practically begged for my attention as much as my kids did. The dings, rings, and alerts were never-ending, with each social media platform more appealing than the last. I was sucked right into the smart device trap, making it even harder for my wandering mind to stay with in the moment.

Though it is far from easy, I make a conscious effort not to look at my phone while I am spending time with my family or friends. Even as I write this letter, the multi-tasked world is calling me. I do everything in my power not to succumb to the distractions, but it is a daily challenge.

Being on the receiving end of someone’s undivided attention is one of the most precious feelings in the world. I strive to be the person that gives that gift in return.

These days, I look for ways to give my now-adult children experiences rather than tangible gifts. I love to provide them with opportunities to build new memories and try new things. This year, my one daughter will receive an airline ticket to join our family on an excursion, while my other daughter is getting a surprise “getaway.”

It is mind-blowing how time marches on, and two-year-olds become twenty-year-olds in what feels like the blink of an eye. Children become parents, and if we are lucky, we become grandparents.  I am still in awe of all the moments I encounter the five-year-old at the bus stop, but now they are my nurse, cashier, dentist, etc.…

Time is fleeting. All we have is here and now. I wish you joy, merriment, and presence this holiday season. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas

Peace & Love,
