Get Organized and Lose The Weight

By Nancy Adler

Ever find yourself on that Health and Fitness rollercoaster? You’ve tried everything to lose weight and still there seems to be that missing piece of the puzzle.  While diet and exercise are important, your environment also plays a key role in helping you slim down.

A cluttered kitchen can be so overwhelming; it’s tough to even know where to start. People who want to lose weight focus on the refrigerator. Take everything out and throw away anything expired or devoid of nutrients Then restock it only with foods that make sense for your diet. When you open the fridge, you shouldn’t see containers of leftover Chinese food. You should see hard boiled eggs , yogurt  and freshly-cut veggies. Make sure what’s easy to grab is food that has a lot of nutritional value that will help curb your appetite.

The foods that you intend to eat frequently should be placed front and center, as close to eye level as possible. If you have to dig for those baby carrots behind jugs of sugar-filled juice, endless bottles of condiments, and processed foods, you’re less likely to grab them when you’re hungry, and your weight-loss plan could get derailed. Instead, shove your special treats to the back, so you’re more likely to reach for something good for you in a moment of weakness.

Clean off the Counters! A counter piled high with papers, rarely used appliances, and other junk is not conducive to quick-and-easy meal prep. Just one look at the mess and you might give up on your plan to try out a nourishing recipe and opt for takeout.

Put the cookie jars away and get rid of appliances you don’t use. Then put things on the counter that will help you. A high-quality cutting board, measuring cups, and a kitchen scale are essential when you’re trying to lose weight. You might also find it useful to have a food processor, blender, countertop grill, or slow cooker out, as well, depending on your space and meal plan. The easier it is to prep and cook, the more likely you’ll make something wholesome at home instead of ordering a pizza.

Let’s not forget to clean out the freezer . When it’s organized, your freezer can be a godsend during a time-crunch. The reality is that most people have packed their freezers full of bags of fruits and vegetables, proteins they bought on sale, and containers of leftovers they have long since forgotten about. Wave your organization wand over this area to turn it into a treasure chest of meals packed with nutrients. Just like you did with the fridge, chuck out any old foods. Next, carefully restock it with bags of broccoli you can steam in the microwave, vitamin-rich soups you can microwave for lunch on cold days, and low-fat meats you can cook quickly. When everything’s in good shape, do yourself one last favor so you don’t forget what’s inside: Keep a list on the freezer door of what’s in there. If you know you have enough in there for three healthy dinners this week, you’ll have less to pick up at the grocery store and more flexibility as you plan your meals.

Snacks might be your weakness right now, but they can turn into a strength on your path to weight loss if you get organized. People tend to have multiple types of the same snack foods in various flavors, but you really don’t need five kinds of cookies in your pantry. I suggest ditching duplicates and streamlining your snack choices so you have one healthy option for something salty and something sweet. When we have too many options, we struggle to pick the healthiest one. You should always see a couple of good, healthy options organized front and center of the pantry, as opposed to scattered around.

In addition to limiting your choices, you should also organize your serving methods to limit how much of a snack you consume at any one time. For instance, pre-portion bite-size snacks, like nuts, into single-serving bags and you’ll be less likely to mindlessly munch. If you have a big container of something (like crackers or cereal), toss in a measuring cup that relates to the serving size on the nutrition label. That way, when you open the package, you’ll automatically take the right amount.

Another frequently-cluttered area of the home that can contribute to your weight is your laundry, which might require more attention than you’re used to if you’re getting sweaty at the gym more often. Organizing your laundry room makes working out easier. If you have clean, organized workout clothes, you’re more likely to exercise and eat healthy.  After your clothes are clean, pair matching workout tops and bottoms together in a drawer. Sticking with exercise can be a challenge, especially when you’re still working on making it a regular habit. Making sure you always have enough clean workout clothes—and that you know where to find them—means you’ll have one less excuse to skip the gym.

Nancy Adler is a certified nutritionist and practitioner in Linwood. Her office is located in Cornerstone Commerce Center, 1201 New Rd. Learn about her practice at (609)653-4900

Nancy is the Recipient of the Best of The Press 2020 Gold Award. You may listen to Nancy every Sunday at 2 pm Nancy Adler Nutrition LIVE! NewsTalk 1400 WOND
