Gearing Up For A Terrific Summer!

Gearing Up For A Terrific Summer!

By Jeff Whitaker

Usually when I’m putting my thoughts together and preparing to sit down to write my column, I turn in one or two directions.  I either am drawn to what’s going on around me (things in the news, people I observe) or circumstances in my own life.  That’s pretty much where most of what I write about comes from.

As I was preparing for this weeks column, I looked at my calendar.  It’s the first week of June already and that brought all kinds of thoughts to mind.  I’m not the kind of person to rush things, but I know from past experience how fast the summer flies.  June 1st one day and Labor Day weekend the next. I’m not drawing attention to this to depress those of you who live for this season. Instead, to stick to the theme, I’m kind of throwing a cold bucket of salty ocean water in your direction to get your attention. 

My family went to the beach this past weekend for the first time this season.  As we sat enjoying the cool breeze and soaking up the sun, my wife said, “We need to be intentional about doing this on a regular basis.”  And she’s right.  There are thousands upon thousands of people who spend their hard earned money and travel to our region for one or two weeks a year to experience what many of us have in our own backyard.  But whether it’s the beach, spending time strolling the boardwalk, setting aside time to read your favorite book or whatever gives you pleasure and relaxation; you have to be intentional. 

In my column back at the beginning of this year I wrote about the importance of intentionality.  But it’s a good idea to remind ourselves of this on a regular basis.  I don’t know about you, but for me being intentional means purposely carving out time on a family calendar.  You may be different, but if I don’t make the time, the time will simply slip away.  It doesn’t happen because I set out in that direction, it just happens as one week slips into the next and the next. 

So, whether it’s just you, you and a significant other or your entire family, sit down and set out your summertime priorities.  If it’s more than just you, include everyone in the plans.  Ask the question: What is it you want to experience most this summer?  It may surprise you the answers you get.  It will not only be fun, but set you on a course for a terrific summer season at the Jersey Shore. 

Jeff Whitaker is a lifelong communicator and storyteller. He is a certified trainer, coach and speaker with The John Maxwell Team. Jeff’s goal is to encourage excellence in individuals and corporations through leadership and communications training. Connect with him at, through The Jeff Whitaker Company on Facebook or @jeffwhitaker on Twitter.
