Fly High Jamie! In Remembrance of Our Beloved Son, James Robert Fertsch

From the Editor and Publisher

This issue of Shore Local Newsmagazine is dedicated to our son, James Robert Fertsch,  (“Jamie”) who passed suddenly on March 19th, 2020. Jamie was 25 years old and had significant challenges. Jamie was our heart, our joy and always the wind beneath our sails. He was our “why” and gave purpose to our days. Although he was not a very good student, Jamie was a master teacher who taught us more about life than anyone or anything ever could. We would like to thank everyone for their love, support and prayers during this very difficult time. We look forward to a larger church service and celebration of Jamie’s life with all those he knew & loved in the community.

Below is a tribute I wrote in the form of a letter to our son.

Dear Jamie…you were my everything. The reason I woke, the direction of my day… my heart, my joy and my purpose. People often said you were lucky…that you had such dedicated parents, but the truth is, WE were the  lucky ones. We were blessed by you and you made us better in ALL ways.

From the very beginning you shed away our complacency and taught us about the fragility of life. You pushed us everyday and in a million ways… to think differently, be more compassionate, patient, flexible, creative and most of all, to persevere through situations we thought unimaginable.

Your life on this earth was hard in many ways. But still, you found joy in the littlest things and your smile gave us so much joy. You taught us what was important and what wasn’t.

You were on the front edge of the tidal wave of autism. You had to teach us and teach others and that was too much of a burden for a child  to bear.

In your teen years, it got hard and your emotions were more than you could handle. There were meltdowns and behaviors. Still, you were teaching us…to listen beyond words, focus on the positive and move on. You taught us the true meaning of unconditional love.

You brought out the best in everyone, Jamie. People always remembered you and so often their kindness to you and acceptance of your differences was a ray of light in an otherwise dark world.

This life wasn’t fair to you from the beginning, Jamie. You struggled to communicate, to feel comfortable in your own skin and to connect with others and be understood. You faced an array of health problems that caused you pain and discomfort. 

Your family was your everything. You hated to part, even for school or work. As you got older the world got scarier for you. You clung to your family, dogs,  routine and simple pleasures like your soda at Dunkin Donuts.

Your passing was sudden and shocking. It has left a hole in me that will never heal. I pray you know how very much i loved you. I pray that God holds you close and you are safe and free, sweet baby. Free to speak, to make a friend, to love and to fly. 

We will hold you in our hearts forever…until we meet again.

“I’m everything I am because you loved me.” – Celine Dion
