Father’s Day

Letter from the editor

Father’s Day

Maya Angelou  said “You may not remember what someone said or did, but you will always remember how they made you feel.”


That’s how it is with my Dad. It wasn’t one thing he said or did, but rather that feeling of  knowing I was safe and loved when I was with him. He always and still does believe I am smarter and more capable than I actually am. He believed in me long before I learned to believe in myself.


Fatherhood looks different for each family and succeeds in a hundred different ways. The one size fits all model is long gone.


However, there are a few traits we all recognize in a great dad. They love, protect and believe in their son or daughter. Their time and attention is given readily,  knowing it will always outweigh the material things.


Sometimes it feels natural for a father to believe in their child who is thriving and making them proud. Other times, it’s hard. When a child is making bad choices or presenting with challenging behavior or falling behind in school, they need unconditional love and support more than ever.


I used to believe there was a direct connection between parenting and  behavior. Many times there is, but I learned that sometimes regardless, there are extraordinary struggles. Psychologists have all kinds of acronyms for these type of kids that can be more challenging than most such as ODD which stands for Oppositional Defiant Disorder.


This is just one example. But there are many situations that can pose challenges. To all of the Dads that face some extraordinary challenge but remain steadfast in their love and support of their child, we salute you this Father’s Day. Read “Extreme Fathering” on page __ to learn about two local dads who do just that.


Also, in this issue, Shore Local sits down with Atlantic City’s Mayor Frank Gilliam. Read about this on page 20. He weighs in on the recent “boom” in Atlantic City and his plans to support and grow small business as well.


The sun is shining again and there is a lot to smile about these days. Summer is our season and it has arrived.


Lastly, Shore local would like to wish a heartfelt Happy Fathers Day to all of the Fathers, Fathers-to-be and Grandfathers.


Peace & Love, Cindy
