Family Game Night

Family Game Night

By Steffen Klenk

Since I was a kid, family game night has always been a vital aspect of home life. We would share snacks and laughs all evening long while learning new educational and life skills. With all of the winter holidays behind us and cold weather settling in our region, a lull of outdoor activities is apparent. That means time to break out the chess board or your favorite board game and get ready for an evening of family fun!

While board games have been the topic of many scientific and developmental studies, they have been researched for more than a century by psychologists. Playing board games with young children can be proven beneficial for early brain development. Those that play board games can learn all important life and education skills such as math, problem solving, decision making. It can also help improve memory and emotions.

There are three basic types of games: skill and strategy, chance and some involve both.

The great thing about board games you can play them almost anywhere. Most board games are versatile and do not require electricity. They can become excellent boredom breakers if you end up losing power at home, get stuck at the airport or go on a camping expedition. Even a simple game of tic-tac-toe will pass the time at a doctor’s appointment.

Some of the simplest of games can teach children patterns, sequences, numbers and color and shape identification. Kids can also learn about basic direction, taking turns and socializing with others. An easy game of checkers can enhance one’s ability to solve problems, communicate and resolve conflict.

Players will also learn the practice of sportsmanship and losing gracefully to their opponent.

Many anthropologists agree that some classic and modern games are based on the dynamics of war. Scenarios such as two or more side squaring off, trying to win a race, racking up points and for taking the other players territory are provided as examples. Games like Battleship can produce a feeling of satisfaction.

Games offer relaxation from the chaotic environment that surrounds us. Being focused on the board is a welcome respite from the outside world and daily life, and allows players a chance to engage in personal interaction, providing a much-needed break from the glow of our cell phones and computer screens.

Science professionals have warned us that the “blue light” emitted from popular electronic devices can interfere with sleep patterns. So, playing a long round of Monopoly or several hands of cards may produce a more restful sleep.

Family game night has been a staple in our household for decades. Quality time with siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and extended family has always spurred fun conversations and stories. It’s a great way to create warm memories that will last for generations to come.

As adults, we are reminded constantly to make more time for play. In today’s society, games are developed on every skill level and just about every subject of interest. It can be as simple as a card game of War to something more complex like Settlers of Catan (a family favorite). So, while the cold winter weather has us housebound, turn off your TV, break out your favorite snacks and choose an evening of entertainment for family and friends to enjoy.
