Embracing Your Competition

“A rising tide lifts all boats”

From the Editor

In this issue of Shore Local, we are excited to launch a new collaboration between Glory Days High School sports news and Shore Local.

As Shore Local approaches it’s 4th Birthday, Bob and I  reflect on where we began. We are so thankful for both our growth and for the journey.

When we launched Shore Local in March of 2016, it was the biggest leap of faith we ever took. Since that day, we have learned so much and had the opportunity to meet many great business owners, journalists, photographers and readers. Above all, we enjoyed spotlighting the people, places and events that make our area a wonderful place to live and visit. We also met the competition, several long standing publications.

Initially, it was intimidating entering the media arena. I remember telling friends and family that we decided to leave our day jobs to launch a newsmagazine. Most thought we’d lost our minds. Still, we saw an opportunity and decided to push our fears aside, in order to pursue our dream. Four years later, I can honestly say that was the best decision we ever made.

Over the years, we’ve had the chance to meet many in the media and learned that most of our competitors are genuinely nice people working hard to offer community information. Especially the handful of locally owned media businesses that, like us, have skin in the game.

I once sat on a panel with three other publication owners and it was so rewarding to see how we truly wanted to see each other succeed. We each had our own niche, uniquely serving readers and advertisers in the community.

It is hard to want your competition to succeed but it is the wise choice. Sometimes your competitors can become your allies. Forming partnerships, can then take both businesses to new heights.

Competition also helps us to stay on our toes and avoid complacency. It forces us to assess our strengths and weaknesses. In doing so, we learn to create ways to stand apart by creating tremendous value for our advertisers and the community we serve.

In joining forces with Glory Days, Shore Local becomes a better community resource that includes all your local events, features, columnists and now, high school sports in one place.

Additionally, we are proud to announce Marc Berman has accepted the position of Digital Marketing Director for Shore Local. Look for an even stronger digital presence with the integration of videography, social media, radio and podcast to back a rock solid print publication. We continually strive to be your multimedia community connection.

Your feedback is important to us. Please share your thoughts and views. Tell us what you like, dislike and want to see. . Email shorelocalnews@gmail.com

Peace & Love, Cindy
