Dogs Can Keep You Healthy!

Dogs do more than just provide fun and affection. They provide unconditional love which reduces stress, anxiety, depression and improves your cardiovascular health. Caring for a dog will:

Provide companionship – this can add years to your life and prevent illnesses. Isolation and loneliness trigger symptoms of depression.

Increase exercise – Taking your dog for a walk hike or a run are fun ways to fit exercise into your day.

Reduce anxiety – Dogs live in the present. They can help you to be more mindful and appreciate the joy in the moment.  The companionship a dog gives offers comfort, eases anxiety and builds self confidence.

Help you meet new people – Dog owners love to stop and talk to each other on walks, hikes or at the dog park.

Provide sensory stress relief – Touch and movement are two healthy ways to manage stress. Petting a dog lowers blood pressure and can help you feel calmer and less stressed.

Add structure and routine to your day – Dogs require a regular feeding and exercise schedule. Having a consistent routine will keep both you and your dog balanced and calm.
