Deck the Halls Using Nature

Let It Grow
By Tammy Thornton

And just like that, with the flip of another page of the calendar, it’s officially the “most wonderful time of the year!”  We can finally swap our cornstalks and pumpkins for candles and pine, and “deck the halls with boughs of holly”. Fortunately, some of the best decorations can be found in your own backyard.

Look around your garden with a holiday tune in your head, and you might see things in a different way. Your hydrangeas may have lost that beautiful blue hue, but the tinge of burgundy on the dried flowers will look elegant in a silver bowl. Trees have lost their leaves, but those bare branches can be cut and spray painted red for drama in your decor. Look up and see holly leaves and berries above your head. A snip of those tucked away will give just the right pop of color you need for your decorations. Fresh pine sets the mood and smells wonderful too. Grab your pruning shears and head to the backyard. Give your pine trees and bushes a little trim and use the branches outdoors and indoors. You’ll fill the air with their seasonal scent, giving you a natural air freshener. Mix different types of pine for a richer look. I love using cedar branches when they are covered in blue berries. Add magnolia leaves for a southern flair.

For an easy natural swag, gather various types of pine and tie together with floral wire. Top with a burgundy bow and you’ll have a festive decoration to hang under your porch sconces. While you’re there, fill an urn or pot with mixed pine. Add height and drama by painting bare branches with red or white spray paint. Top with some pinecones you find in the yard, and you’ll have a welcome greeting for guests at your door. Don’t have any pine growing in your yard? No worries. Stop by one of the local businesses selling fresh Christmas trees. Usually they have piles of free pine from branches they have trimmed from their trees.

Picturing a winter wonderland? Spray your pine with fake snow or flocking (found at the local hardware store). Add pine cones and bare branches that you’ve spray painted white, then add a little glitter for some shimmer and glow. Wrap with a string of white lights, and a dark, cold night will feel a lot warmer and cozier.

Shore Local News would love to see how our readers decorate naturally during the holidays. Send your pictures, comments, and questions to:

Tammy Thornton is a mom of four, a substitute teacher, and a Sunday school teacher.  She is passionate about gardening and cooking, and loves the beach.
