Cultivating An Attitude of Gratitude

Moms Vibe:
By Krystle J. Bailey

Raising the next generation comes with a laundry list of topics we are responsible for teaching them.  Kindness, patience, humility, hard work, and empathy, just to name a few. Not to mention reading, writing,  arithmetic, and how to tie their shoes. As the saying goes, “the days are long, but the years are short.” As the days pass by, packed to the brim with life lessons, let us not forget the importance of cultivating gratitude in the hearts of our little ones.

The holiday season is a perfect reminder to circle back on those gratitude lessons, offering space for conversation, service, and giving. Of course, we are constantly reminding our children to use their manners and say “thank you,” but instilling a deep sense of gratitude goes beyond polite words. Teaching our kids to experience genuine appreciation at an early age will serve them in innumerable ways as they head out into the world.

Gratitude Is My Superpower by Alicia Ortego

“Gratitude opens the door to…the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe.” – Deepak Chopra.

Studies show that thankful humans are happier humans. That goes for all of us, not just the kids! Making the conscious decision to practice gratitude with our children can directly affect our happiness and well-being. A thankful home is a happy home.

Engage All Five Senses

Tapping into the senses is a great meditation technique, as well as an opportunity to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Work with your children, encouraging them to name something that they can be thankful for that they can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.

For example, I am thankful for the bright blue sky, the way the birds chirp in the morning, the smell of breakfast on the weekends, the taste of grandmom’s cookies, and the feeling of my soft blanket at bedtime.

Gratitude Journal/Picture Book

Begin a gratitude journal for both you and your kids. It’s a beautiful way to bond with them as you write or draw things that make you happy, things you feel thankful for, and something that brought you joy today. It can be as simple as getting five more minutes of sleep this morning or as expansive as the beauty of the sunrise. Encourage your little ones to find joy in the small moments. It’s those moments that center us, keep us grounded, and remind us of the beauty in this life. We are never too young or too old to show appreciation for the grass beneath our feet.

Small Acts of Kindness

Grateful Ninja by Mary Nhin

When our hearts are full of gratitude, it is natural to share that feeling with others. Start a “small acts of kindness” challenge with the family. Encourage everyone to go a little above and beyond for someone today. Lead by example and point out opportunities to show kindness throughout the day. When you give to someone else, it creates a ripple effect of kindness and gratitude.

Get The Family Involved

Our kids follow our lead in everything that we do. When you sit down at the dinner table or before bedtime, spark a gratitude conversation. Ask each family member for one thing they are thankful for today. Create a discussion around the responses, ask questions, and encourage expansion.

A gratitude bulletin board is a great way to keep these thoughts at the forefront of our minds. Each day, have each family member write down something that brings them joy, then pin it to the gratitude board. Not only will it encourage gratitude and joy for your family, but it will likely inspire your house guests to think about what they are thankful for.

Tell Stories

Reading books is one of the easiest ways to get the point across to young children. The combination of imagination, storytelling and colorful pictures allows them to wrap their minds around a concept differently than words alone can. Check out some gratitude books from the library or visit your local bookstore.

As the holidays approach, remember that we’ve been through some of the craziest years of our lives. While the world is telling you that there’s so much to be upset about, remember that there is also so much to be thankful for. Choose gratitude. Choose joy.

Krystle J Bailey. Multimedia journalist, Author, Poet.

Connect with Krystle on Instagram @thedailybailey5
