Community Drive Brings Holiday Joy to Seniors

L to R) The delivery was a family affair and included (L to R) Jessica Goldstein, Luke Goldstein, Gretzky the dog, Sam Goldstein and Jason Goldstein.

A community holiday drive organized by the Goldstein family brought gifts and treats to the seniors at Seashore Gardens Living Center (SGLC). SGLC Board Member Jason Goldstein and his family delivered boxes of cozy blankets and socks, craft supplies and water colors, Tastykake cakes, and large print puzzle books.

“Although my family was not allowed to volunteer on Christmas as we usually do, we could still collect items for the residents of Seashore Gardens,” said Goldstein. “Thank you to the MRHS Marching Band and those who attended the Linwood Community Hanukkah Lighting for contributing to this collection. Together, we are sure to bring smiles to some faces here.”

Jason and Sam Goldstein deliver the packages of gifts donated by the community to Seashore Gardens Living Center.