Canine Allergy, or Atopic Dermatitis

Paw Prints
By Mark D Newkirk VMD

Our pets suffer from allergies just as we humans do, but unlike us,who primarily sneeze and cough, our pets mostly itch. This is the excessive itching that wakes you up at night. The excessive feet licking that drives you..and the pet……crazy!

Allergy in dogs is called Canine Atopic Dermatitis, or Atopy. This is a common skin disease, affecting almost ten percent of dogs worldwide.! It may be caused by genes that make your dog more likely to have a strong reaction when exposed to allergens. Overtime, atopy can worsen and become a serious health issue. Your dog’s skin can become itchy, red, scaly and severely irritated. Secondary problems are hair loss, open sores, and skin and ear infections, with both bacteria and yeast.

Like human allergies, atopy can be triggered by pollens or molds during certain seasons, or by dust mites or other allergens in the environment, including floor cleaners and laundry detergent! Atopic dermatitis is likely a life long condition, but with help from your veterinarian the itching can be controlled so your dog, and you, can enjoy the things you both love again.

Since we have different reactions, this should tell you that the mechanism of allergy is DIFFERENT in humans vs pets. This is why for most pets, anti-histamines do not work very well. Pets normally have to receive some kind of steroid in order to stop that severe itch. And yes, here is a place that steroids DO do a nice job. However we all know that we do not want to keep giving steroids (aka, cortisone) constantly to our pets

As with many holistic veterinarians, we will also add natural therapies such as fatty acids, Vitamin A, Zinc, homeopathic remedies and herbs to help with the allergies. NAET, an energy therapy, can also help determine what your pet is allergic to, (including floor cleaners and detergents!), and can help to eliminate certain allergies. (see Our goal is to try to decrease our dependence on the steroids as best we can. Do not get me wrong, if a pet comes in scratching and chewing so badly that the skin is open and bleeding, and he/she is miserable, then yes, a shot of a short acting steroid helps relieve that itch almost right away. We need to help the pet as quickly as possible!

However there is a new therapy available that is a “biologic” and not a chemical/drug, called Cytopoint. It is a non pharmaceutical treatment that works much like your dogs immune system, which is based on what is known as Antibody/Antigen reaction. Antibodies are what you and your pet make to defend the body against infection or disease. (these are antigens)

Cytopoint, is an engineered antibody similar to the dogs immune system. It is an FDA approved therapy for dogs with allergy, and actually targets, and neutralizes, a pro-inflammatory compound made by the body called Interleukin 31. (IL31). This Interleukin is made in response to the allergenic substance, and this is the biological compound in the pet’s body that sends signals to the brain that stimulates the itch.

Cytopoint, “attaches” itself to IL 31 and neutralizes it! Thus IL 31 can not signal the body to itch! This is a huge breakthrough as it stops the itch where it actually starts, and does not just “cover up” the itch symptoms. As it is FDA approved, most veterinarians will have this, so even if your vet is not holistic, he will likely promote this therapy.

Antibody therapy is the new wave of “targeted biologicals”, that is, antibodies that “target” the specific mechanism of pathology. There are huge implications for the treatment of many diseases this way, including cancer.

Injections are given once a month for 3 times, then on average, about every 2- 3 months depending on the pet and the allergy season. Typically within 24 hours the itch is significantly better. Your dog’s history will dictate the need for injections. Some dogs itch year round, but some only itch seasonally. As each pet is different, each pet will have his/her own protocol.

Because Cytopoint is NOT a drug, there are no drug interactions, so most all dogs can receive this. Since it is naturally broken down and recycled by the body, even dogs with liver or kidney problems can receive this as it is not metabolized in those organs, as many drugs are.

Give your dog the relief they need today, without relying on drugs! Ask your veterinarian or visit

As a Veterinarian, Dr. Newkirk has been serving Southern New Jersey for over 38 years. He is extensively trained in medicine and surgery and also is skilled in the care of exotic pets such as reptiles and birds.
