Beach Going Made Easier

by Susan Landis

Oh how I love the beach! The feeling of the sand between my toes, the gorgeous sunsets, the salty waves on hot summer days.

It can be the best place on this earth, but the beach also can be a little tricky to maneuver and you do have to make advance preparations before you go.

If you have kids, this can increase what you really need to bring to the beach ten fold.  While my kids are a little older, I will never forget the overwhelming feeling of getting ready to have a peaceful time at the beach… it was actually downright difficult.

Today I want to share some of my favorite beach tips. I promise they will make your trip to the beach a little easier and leave you with more time for fun!

1. Protect your precious phone from sand and water (especially the sand)by putting it in a ziplock bag. You can still use it through the plastic.

2. Bring baby powder to the beach because it takes off sand faster than anything  else.

3. Put your money in an empty chapstick or marker container.

4. Sunscreen is the most important part of your beach day. Know when to apply, what time you’re most likely to get burned, etc.

5. Make your own ice pack that won’t melt all over everything with a sponge in a plastic bag.

6.Keep sand away from you by using a fitted sheet.

7. Have a toddler?  Grab a mini plastic baby pool to allow babies and toddlers to stay safe during water play.  The mini hard plastic pools can also be used to carry beach items.  Of you can find an inflatable pool for under $10 that can easy slide into your beach bag.
