Balancing “Me Time” with “Mom Time”

By Marci Lutsky

Moms deserve time for themselves.  There, I said it.  This was a long summer.  Even though my kids were in camp for several weeks out of the summer, we spent a lot of time together.  There were days when I just needed a little bit of time for myself, but it just wasn’t happening.  My twins started school last week and just like every year on the first day, I cried.  I cried because I’m sending them off to spend their days in the care of someone else and because I’m going to miss them.  However, as much as I will miss them, I need some time for myself and here is how I find that necessary time.

Exercise makes me a better mom.  It makes me feel better about myself and gives my mind clarity.  I sneak it in whenever I can.  Sometimes that means after the kids go to sleep or after I drop them at school when I squeeze in a quick bike ride or run.  It’s not easy to find the energy to do it consistently, but it always makes me feel better.  Find a yoga class or activity that you enjoy and do it!

Getting together with friends is so important.  I prefer quality over quantity when it comes to girlfriends and I value and nurture my friendships.  Being in the company of other women who will lend an ear or can relate to my current stage in life is so cathartic.  I may not see some friends frequently, but sometimes it’s nice to just send a text to check in and let someone know you are thinking about them.

Pampering is always good for the soul.  I am not really a girly girl in that I rarely wear makeup and don’t own one pair of high heels.  However, I love  a good pedicure or day at the spa!  You don’t have to spend a lot of money to enjoy some pampering time.  Finding time for a pedicure or massage once in a while will do wonders for the soul. 

There is no rule that says just because summer is over you can’t go to the beach and read alone.  Even if it’s just for a half hour, it will do wonders for relaxing you and providing you with a brief escape.  I’m a reader and always have a book tucked away in my bag or earphones in so I can listen to a book or podcast. 

Plan a night or weekend away.  Okay this isn’t always so easy for me based on our busy schedules but now that my kids are 8 years old, it’s time to start doing this even if it’s once a year.  Next week I’m going away with some girlfriends for a few days to celebrate our “big” birthdays.  It will be my first time flying alone since my kids were born and I’m so excited, mostly just for the quiet plane ride when no one is asking me for snacks!  I’ll enjoy several days of leisurely morning coffee, hiking, eating good meals and laughing.  What better way to nurture the soul!

As the school year gets going and your kids get into a routine, be sure to make some time for yourself at least once a month.  It will make you a better mom and remind you of who you were before having kids.  You work hard and deserve it!

Marci Lutsky is a local mom of eight year-old twins and can be reached at
