Atlantic City Firefighters Make Purr-fect Rescue

Atlantic City firefighters make purr-fect rescue

By Lynda Cohen

Rescue 1 Acting Capt. Dean Jones, Firefighters Mike Giercyk, Dan Morgan, Jeff Schulundt and Brian Wiener

Forget the image of firefighters saving a cat in a tree.

Atlantic City’s firefighters went searching drain pipes to root out a stuck cat Thursday night.

Spoiler alert: the kitty is safe.

Fire Chief Scott Evans said he received a call from the mayor’s chief of staff saying she read a Facebook post about a cat being trapped near the Coach store.

When firefighters arrived, they couldn’t hear the cat. The probed the area, and found nothing.

So Evans — who was off duty — headed to The Walk. When he shined his flashlight into the drain pipe, he hear the cat and called for Rescue 1 to come back, he told BreakingAC.

They began to open storm drains and manholes to determine how to get to the cat.

“I determined that the cat was trapped in a drain pipe underneath the street,” Evans said.

The main issue was to get the cat to the manhole before it flowed into the storm drain.

Using a watering can, they were able to chase the cat to the end of the pipe where Firefighter Mike Giercyk quickly grabbed it, Evans said.

The cat was shaken but unharmed. The Pleasantville SPCA picked up the cat.
