At seven years, a lot to celebrate

From the Editor

Celebrations are in order, as this edition of Shore Local marks our seventh anniversary of bringing local news and feel-good stories to the Jersey Shore. Looking back, it’s hard to wrap my head around where the time has gone. It feels like yesterday that Bob and I began this “leap of faith” journey.

As I reflect on the last seven years and feel the wide range of emotions, one thought comes to mind: A LOT.

Even that is an understatement. Our Shore Local experience has been filled with A LOT of work, emotions, deadlines, writing, edits, production, deliveries, coordinating, networking, and so much more.

Those connections have been the most rewarding part of it all. We have had the honor of meeting some of the most incredible people in South Jersey, from our sponsors to the individuals we’ve had the pleasure of interviewing. We’ve met community leaders and networked with folks doing extraordinary things in our community. Each relationship reminds us why we began Shore Local to begin with. Each conversation refuels and inspires us to keep going.

It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions since day one for Bob and me. Admittedly, the first few months were riddled with anxiety and all the ways things could possibly go wrong. The “what ifs” would keep us up at night as we worried whether or not we would succeed or if anyone would read our hometown publication.

Fortunately, our fears were mixed with an equal, if not greater, amount of grit and determination. We focused and worked 12-hour days, committed to doing whatever it took to bring our dream to life. Like most small business owners, we were willing to go the extra mile as many times as necessary.

Hundreds of deadlines have come and gone since that first little 28-page publication. Some issues flow easier than others, but no matter how many speed bumps or hiccups we come across, each edition gets published with the same love and resolve that went into Issue No. 1.

As we publish this 225th issue of Shore Local, I find joy in the fact that we still hold each finished product in our hands with a sense of accomplishment bigger than anything we’ve ever known.

We are deeply proud of this journey and look forward to the next seven plus years. Most of all, we are proud of the team of contributors that have come together to ensure that each issue is a high-quality read. Our hearts swell with gratitude as we reflect on all the people who have made Shore Local possible, from our loyal advertisers to our fantastic team of writers, designers, photographers, videographers, and reliable distribution team.

We are especially grateful for YOU, the readers who allow us into your lives week after week. Knowing that each edition of Shore Local makes its way into countless homes, offices, and the hands of our local community is something we do not take for granted.

With time and dedication comes growth and we have A LOT to celebrate with this issue.

In the beginning Shore Local published every two weeks and in recent years we stayed every two weeks in the “off” season, but published weekly in the summer. We are now thrilled to announce that beginning in early May, Shore Local will begin publishing weekly, every Thursday throughout the the years to come.

Additionally, we are excited to welcome two new contributors to the team. Whitney Ullman, the founder of The City Pulse and South Jersey Events Correspondent for FOX News, will be presenting “Whitney’s Weekly Picks,” highlighting the area’s biggest and most exciting events each week. Be on the lookout for Whitney on our social media platforms, as she will be streaming current events in real time.

Keith Dawn will be kicking off his new business column focused on helping entrepreneurs, and business owners of all experience levels find success. Keith is the former publisher of The Press of Atlantic City, having led the way during its heyday in the early 2000s.

With this issue, we are bringing back a special feature, Hometown Hero, honoring community leaders who go above and beyond to make South Jersey even greater than it already is. Check out the feature on Michelle Riordan on page 10. Michelle’s commitment to bringing S.T.E.M. education to local children is, quite literally, “out of this world.”

If you know someone extraordinary that gives back in a big way, we want to know. Please email or call (609)-788-4812

Peace & Love,
