Are we doing all we can to support small business?

Business Buzz
By Rich Baehrle

I sit here on Christmas Day reflecting on the year in review.

I have written more than 40 articles on new local businesses in Business Buzz this year. There have been new businesses from virtually every town in the Shore Local coverage area, from Upper Township and Ocean City in Cape May County, to Brigantine, Galloway and beyond in Atlantic County.

It has been a pleasure witnessing people’s dreams come true with their plans to offer products and services that will help our lives and give us pleasure.

It is through these plans and dreams that the reality of running a business successfully, becomes a challenge.

Entrepreneurs face competition from not only the local community, but also from the vast internet. They plan their work and work their plan, but it is a never-ending process.

The world of small business changes every day. The owners have the responsibility of running the business, purchasing, and marketing. It is not only a 9 to 5 job; it is on their minds 24/7.

Ocean City

I can tell you as a Realtor for almost 40 years, the real estate profession has changed more in the last eight years than in the last 30. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), not only in real estate, but virtually every business, we can expect enormous opportunities and challenges.

We can embrace it along with new techniques of marketing and operating our business or go the way of a vast amount of retail and other big and small businesses such as iconic names like Sears, Kmart, Bed Bath and Beyond and countless others. They did not adapt to market changes, so they died.

My message to all new businesses is to be willing to constantly analyze your business, both internally and externally. What are you doing right and what can you change to grow your business?

Look around you. Join various local chambers of commerce or business associations for an opportunity to meet people.

Never be married to an idea. Be honest and be willing to move on from an idea that is not working for you.

What can we do as consumers to help our local businesses? Get off the internet as much as you can. Get out and support local businesses. If you want to shop price do it, but come back to the local people and give them a last look.

This is the time of the year that each one of us can reflect on whether we are doing all we can to support local businesses, or if we need to rethink our habits.

It is up to each one of us to support our local communities. Truly what goes around, comes around.

Try it. It works.

Remember to support local business.

Rich Baehrle, of Berkshire Hathaway Fox and Roach, can be reached at 609-266-6680

or 609-641-0011. Email or see
