Another Trip Around the Sun

Letter from the Editor

Another Trip Around the Sun

In spite of all the ongoing advances in technology, time remains elusive and uncontrollable. The clock always seems to tick in slow motion when we have to endure something unpleasant, and its hands spin too quickly when we get to experience something joyful. When many of us look back on our years, especially those when our children were young, it feels like time has flown by in a flash. We write about time, we sing songs about it, and we make sci-fi movies about it, but we still cannot control it.
Life isn’t fair, and that’s a truth we all end up learning sooner or later. Some people have millions of dollars and luxurious things while others struggle to get by with next to nothing. Some people are healthy while others live with chronic illness or pain. Some live in mansions while others have nowhere to call home. The one true equalizer, for all of us, is time. We each get handed the same 365 days each year and the same 24 hours every single day, and we get to choose what we do with those gifts.
Time is valuable. We trade our time for money when we go to work, and spending time with our loved ones is something we treasure. No gift can compare to the gift of giving someone our time and attention. Whatever we choose to do with it, we know our time is limited and valuable.
Another trip around the sun always calls for reflection and celebration. What did I do with my time in 2017? Did I spend it well? What will I do with my time in 2018? I reflect on these questions as this year comes to a close. For 2018, I plan to go back to some of my favorite basics: to read more novels, be more mindful, and reconnect with my yoga mat. How will you make the most of this brand new chapter?
From all of us at Shore Local, I wish you and your family a healthy and Happy New Year!

Peace & Love, Cindy
