A Taste of Chanukah Dec. 3 at Beth Israel

The community is invited to A Taste of Chanukah at Beth Israel, 2501 Shore Road, Northfield, NJ on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 4-6:30 p.m.

The celebration will feature a latke bar, mac ‘n cheese bar, Sufganiyot “donut” bar, hot cocoa bar, Sangria bar, and kids’ dreidel drinks. There will also be a bracelet make ‘n trade bar, Chanukah candy and cookie crafts and entertainment by DJ Bill. Ugly Chanukah sweaters are welcomed. Families are encouraged to bring an unwrapped toy to be donated.

Cost is $25 for ages 12 and up (or $30 after Nov. 30) and $18 for ages 2-11 (or $23 after Nov. 30). Under age two are free. To RSVP, call (609) 641-3600.

Sponsorships are available at $180 for a candle on the Mitzvah Menorah and $360 for a Specialty Station. Sponsorships come with two tickets for the Mitzvah Menorah level and four tickets for the Specialty Station level.

The largest Reform congregation on the Mainland in South Jersey, Beth Israel is a warm and welcoming home to generations of families who play a vital and integral part in synagogue life. A full-service congregation, Beth Israel welcomes diversity, interfaith families, LGBTQ Jews and partners, Jews of color, and all types of modern Jewish families, wherever they may be found on their personal Jewish journey. For more information on our educational programs, contact us at (609) 641-3600 or email us at bethisrael@cbinorthfield.org. Learn more at Beth Israel at https://bethisraelnorthfield.org.
