50 Ways to Know You’re A Cat Mom (or Dad)

By Sarah Fertsch

I got my first kitten last year, and I can officially call myself a cat person. I have woken up my kitty staring at me, meowing in my face, and purring gently by my side. I have bought at least ten little mouse toys, and tried to hold my kitty like a baby (she does NOT like it). In conjunction with my Dog Mom article last issue, here are 50 ways to know you are a cat mom (or dad):

Your kitty has at least four nicknames

She has a special sleeping spot

That place is under your chin, in bed, every night

You can recognize her purr from miles away

He greets you by rubbing against your leg when you come home

She makes eye contact with you when she meows

You know your kitty’s favorite toy

And she has twenty more toys to choose from

Your furniture has scratches all over it

And you don’t mind

Should I buy a kitten?

Kitty bath time scares you

He eats only the best food

You take dozens of pictures of your furry friend

And show them to all of your coworkers

You talk to your cat like she is your baby

You smile at the mention of her name

You’ve tried to walk her on a leash

She steps on your keyboard when you’re working

And sometimes lays on your laptop

But you don’t mind

You sneak him yummy treats

She loves to chase string or yarn

You schedule kitty play dates with other cat moms

You’ll fight dog people any day if they diss your kitty

Your cat has an extensive castle or cat tree

And she looks down on you like a peasant

She knows she is the queen

He bumps his head against your nose

And you love it

If she lays on your lap, you cannot get up until she moves

You know he is a mighty hunter

You love to brush her soft fur

You celebrate your little baby’s birthday


Changing the litter is no big deal for you

Energy spurts at 3am, every night

You subscribe to at least one cat magazine

You don’t mind occasional scratches

You talk to your cat

And are convinced that they are the only ones who understand you

You respect your cat’s moods

Kitty on the street? MUST PET

You call yourself a crazy cat lady

Catnip is a secret delight

You center your travel plans around your kitty

You love your kitty no matter what

Forever and ever

Because they will always be

Your furry baby
