50 Conversation Starters for Your Thanksgiving Table

By Erica Hoffman

Now that more of us feel comfortable being around family and friends, traditional thanksgiving dinners are back on the table again. A lot of us are seeing each other for the first time in close to two years. While we should have plenty to talk about (you would like to think at least a meal’s worth), the reality of the situation is that we’re all probably feeling apprehensive. 

Most likely, we have similar experiences and anecdotes that shaped the narrative of our past two years. However, the possibility of conversation stalling or taking an unpleasant turn is still there. Perhaps Uncle Nick had one too many, or Aunt Joanne and Aunt Rita have started squabbling over who pushed who in the pool at their eighth birthday party. Fear not! I am here to help if the cornucopia of conversation is empty or needs a revamp before the turkey is even carved.

I give you these light-hearted questions and topics you can feel free to blurt out when you think a change of subject would be the best thing for everyone at the table.

1. What’s the first thing you have ever won, and how did you win it?

2. Canned tuna: packed in oil or water? Albacore or chunk light?

3. If your pet could talk, who’s voice do you imagine you’d hear?

4. What is an item you will only buy as a name brand?

5. What one person would be mourned by the most people worldwide if they died right now?

6. What is something you genuinely don’t care about?

7. What is something that should be taught in school but isn’t?

8. What song lyric did you think said something completely different than what it actually said?

9. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

10. What’s the first thing you do when waking up?

11. What is the most used word or phrase that you say?

12. Guy Fieri. Thoughts?

13. What do you put on a hotdog?

14. What are some items you are not frugal with?

15. What is the latest time of day you will drink a cup of coffee?

16. What is the most useful app on your phone?

17. What is the last song you had stuck in your head? Do you have one specific song that gets stuck in your head more often than others?

18. How old were you when you realized your parents were just people?

19. Renaissance fair or county fair?

20. Dill or bread and butter pickles?

21. Pumpkin Spice Lattes: “yes, please,” or “Oh, please!”?

22. What is something unrealistic in movies that annoys you?

23. What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

24. Be honest. Is McDonald’s delicious or not?

25. Would your life be better if Facebook didn’t exist?

26. Soup or stew?

27. How do you take your coffee?

28. How far in advance is it acceptable for stores to start displaying upcoming holiday items?

29. If you dare: What are the contents of your nightstand?

30. In 20 years, what will people be nostalgic for?

31. What set of items could you buy that would make the cashier the most uncomfortable?

32. What would be the most perplexing statement you could say while passing a stranger on the street that they would never be able to stop thinking about?

33. What would be your perfect weekend?

34. What was your favorite cartoon as a child?

35. Which did you grow up with: 8-Tracks, records, tapes, CDs, MP3s, or streaming?

36. How many unread emails do you have in your inbox right now?

37. Have you ever fallen victim to a late-night infomercial? If so, what was it, and were you satisfied with your purchase?

38. If you were given 1,000 acres of land, what would you do with it?

39. Pudding or Jell-O?

40. Would you rather have a live-in massage therapist, chef, or housecleaner?

41. Would you rather never have to sit in traffic ever again or never have another cold ever again?

42. What one thing makes you the maddest while driving?

43. Aside from popcorn, what’s your favorite movie snack?

44. What is something luxurious you would never buy, even if you could afford it?

45. What is one thing you can’t understand the popularity of?

46. Do you like celebrating your birthday?

47. What’s one thing you refuse to spend money on?

48. What TV series, if any, did not drag on for longer than it should have and ended at the perfect time?

49. What is the farthest you’d travel for your favorite food?

50. Can you do a spot-on impression of anyone (famous or at this table)?

From my family to yours, I’d like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
