Letter From the Editor

Familia!! What a busy week we have had! Our daughter is home for a few days between her internship and the beginning of her final year of college. Our other daughter is preparing to move into her first college apartment. My brother is battling cancer, and has been in and out of the hospital. And our first great niece, sweet Juliette, was born.

It gets chaotic, emotional, and even stressful at times, yet our family is our world. The best things in life are the people we love, the places we have traveled, and the memories we have made together.

The tides change, but the people and the love remain the same. I find myself still floundering to adjust to family life with adult children. Just when I think I’ve got it, the current pulls us in a new direction.

As I get older, and hopefully wiser, I’m learning that you have to swim with the currents, even in a riptide. I spent a lot of wasted energy in the past, trying to swim against the current, especially when conflicts arose.

There have been many friends throughout the different seasons of life that have come and gone. Very few have followed through all of life’s ups and downs.

Family is different though. Families evolve together. It’s a unique relationship in which we have known each other always and our lives are forever intertwined.

Like the ocean waves, there are highs and lows in every family. The tides come in and out and the currents pull us. So embrace what is, swim with the current, catch a wave and enjoy the ride.

On these final weeks of summer, I hope you have the opportunity to plant your toes in the sand and take in our magnificent beaches. And make memories with your family and loved ones that will last you a lifetime.

As always, this issue of Shore Local is bursting with events and local happenings, along with features about the people and places we love.

Be sure to check out the “Other Atlantic City” which is quite a contrast to our own Atlantic City that is a metropolitan hotspot of entertainment and excitement.

Hometown Hero, Brooke Sharp, of Atlantic County, is an incredible inspiration to all. Read about her outstanding service to our country. This local sergeant has been awarded National Marine of the year, making us all very proud and thankful for her service.

Peace & Love,  Cindy 
