Ode to the Underdog

If I were a gambler, I’d put my money on the underdog. Out of necessity, the underdog is scrappy. The underdog learns to work harder and be more resourceful than their opponent. Their past is marked by stunning victories and staggering defeats, and they are conditioned to be resilient. The underdog is well-versed in the art of getting back up and doing “whatever it takes.” Grit is one of their favorite words, as it embodies their passion and perseverance.

No one expected the Eagles to make it to the Superbowl, and that makes their journey to the big game a thousand times sweeter. As underdogs, they were underestimated from the start, which has offered them an unbeatable mental toughness, drive, and focus.

The story of David and Goliath, found in the Bible’s Old Testament, is one of the most famous underdog stories. Goliath was much bigger and more powerful than David. In spite of that, David had the courage and sheer determination to challenge him. David was resourceful. He was faster and more agile because he was small and had no armor weighing him down. He transformed his apparent disadvantages into strengths, and ultimately arose victorious.

Here at Shore Local, we know a thing or two about being the underdog. Billionaires in Nebraska have bought out most of our area’s print media, which makes us one of very few locally owned and operated news sources. As such, we face an imposing Goliath each day. This is a feeling most small business owners know all too well. As national chain stores and restaurants seem to take over our local communities, small business owners must embody unwavering grit, passion, and determination in order to succeed.

In my experience, small businesses deliver consistently better service than their big business counterparts. The stakes are much higher for small businesses and they take pride in their contribution to the fabric of their communities. The connection between the customer and the owner is much more direct in small business, and they will fight and work diligently for your loyalty.

From all of us at Shore Local, we offer heartfelt gratitude to all of the advertisers, columnists, and readers who have believed in us and given us the opportunity to succeed. We are the underdog that promotes other underdogs. We implore you to keep your dollars in your community by shopping local, eating local, and thinking local. We believe in the power and integrity of small business and we acknowledge and respect the superior grit and determination embodied by small business owners. Here’s to the underdogs who follow their passions and pour their heart and soul into everything they do. Never underestimate them. Fly Eagles Fly!
