Win or lose, our teams have grit

From the Editor

Sports fans have had an extra skip in their step lately. Between the Phillies in the National League Championship Series and the Eagles’ stellar record, what more could a fan ask for? We take our teams seriously in South Jersey and when they are on top, we are on top of the world. You can see it in everyday conversations and expressions. Sports enthusiasts are collectively in a good mood, to say the least.

My mom recently celebrated her 84th birthday. The celebration had to be carefully planned around the Phillies’ playoffs schedule. She didn’t want to miss a minute. We settled on Sunday because the Phillies were traveling back to Philadelphia for the remaining games. That was only with the stipulation that she would definitely be home before the Eagles game began that night at 8 p.m. Truth be told, that was important to Bob and I as well.

There is something about Philly teams that the Flyers mascot, “Gritty” truly embodies. What they lack in polish, they’ve got in grit and grit is important!

Grit is a mental toughness that enables one to succeed even in the face of adversity, when the odds are stacked against them. My favorite people have grit. Life has knocked them down, but you can bet, they got back up.

As we send this edition to print, the Phillies are playing the final game of the National League Championship Series and as of the second inning, it is a tie game. I can barely take the pressure of watching my favorite players come up to bat. The mental steadiness and focus these players demonstrate is truly remarkable! Whether they win or lose, the Phillies have made this one fantastic Red October!

Halloween weekend is upon us and it is loaded with fun events for kids of all ages. Check out the special Halloween Activities listing on pages 6-8. There are so many fun events to choose from. Do you remember Mischief Night? When I was growing up that was a big thing! (not a very good thing, but a big thing) Senior Moments on page 20 reminisces about some Mischief Night antics that went awry. I found myself laughing out loud as I read it. I’m glad that tradition has gone by the wayside.

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Wishing you and yours a Happy Halloween!

Peace & Love,
