Linwood Public Library hosts Spook-tacular Halloween party

Let It Grow
By Tammy Thornton

Ghosts and goblins of all ages were welcomed to Linwood Public Library’s Halloween party on Wednesday, Oct. 25. Approximately 38 children and their families filled the youth section of the library to enjoy an evening of spook-tacular fun with story time, crafts, snacks, and pizza.

Linwood’s Children’s Librarian, Ariel Richvalsky, read spooky stories to the children, then led them through some ghostly games, including “Mummy Wrap” that got the entire family involved. Ninjas, superheroes, and princesses decorated pumpkins and played games before being treated to spider cookies and pizza. Parents could be heard throughout the library complimenting “what great programs they always have.”

The library holds a weekly story hour on Wednesdays, which often hosts special guests. In October, the Linwood Fire Department brought their ladder truck for the kiddos to enjoy for the Fire Prevention Week Storytime. The Library also had a special visit of Frog and Toad from Gateway Playhouse.

Janell Stewart reads to her daughter and her friends before the party festivities begin. Pictured left to right: Janell Stewart, Alessia O’Donnell (Age 2), Azabella O’Donnell (Age 4), and Gemma Stewart (Age 5).

Linwood Library is especially proud of its “Makery” located on the lower level.  Toddlers and teens alike are welcome to explore and use robotics, audio players (including Toniebox and Yoto), circuitry, and coding games and tools. They also boast a laminator, Makerbot Replicator 3-D printer, Glowforge Plus 3-D laser printer, Cricut, and Dell Alienware Computers for patron use.

Currently, programs running at the library include:  a six-week Walking and Wellness Program for ages 50 and older,  a “Time Travelers Book Club” for ages 9-12, and Furry Buddy reading time for young readers. Upcoming events include an afternoon showing of the movie “The Quiet Girl” on Nov. 4, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. The Library is also looking forward to their annual Book and Bake Sale to be held Nov. 17 and 18.

If you would like more detailed information about programs and patronage of the library, you can visit their website at or call the circulation desk at: (609) 926-7991 ext. 3.

Tammy Thornton lives with her husband, children, and crazy pets while enjoying a life of gardening, cooking, and going to the beach.
